You Can Make History – Literally!
Answering the Call of History: Consider Your Options
Do you consider yourself a Libertarian? Do you say you are for responsible government? Are you one of the disaffected Republicans with whom Donald Trump has failed to connect? Are you a Democrat with an ounce of self-respect left? Perhaps you are a JFK liberal as opposed to a (smirk) “progressive”. I’d like to offer you a chance to make history. I am not talking in a vague, esoteric sense of the word. I mean you will one day tell you grandchildren, “Yes, that really did happen. It was exciting. And I was one of the people smart enough to make it happen!”
If you see yourself in the first paragraph, you know the two leading candidates in the presidential election offer a disastrous choice. There is no winning situation with either one. I have listed the specifics of that charge numerous times at I will leave it to you to read those thoughtful opinions. But if you are still reading, you know what I am saying is true and you would love to change the game. So, here’s the good news: YOU CAN!
I wrote 16 20 24: A Path to Consistent Conservative Victory in early 2015 and published it last summer. In it, I made a number of predictions and observations. Those predictions, what the candidates did and failed to do, the way the press continues to cover the election, have all come to pass as if I had planned it all myself. I don’t say that as a matter of boast. I say it because I know there is one and only one way we can alter the outcome of this election in such a way that the clown and the felon are denied the oval office and we start fresh, RIGHT NOW, to rebuild the American Experiment.
If you understand already that an honest, successful, two-term governor backed up with another successful governor as his running mate make more sense as president and vice president than Trump or Clinton and you want to make that happen, skip the rest of this essay and go straight to the paragraph entitled This is Where the History Happens below.
If you need a bit of convincing, I will lay it out for you.
Respectability vs Populism vs Criminality
Gary Johnson, Libertarian for President, has many specific issues I disagree with. I don’t like his stance on immigration. I feel his message about the military was, until very recently, odd and muddled. I think his abortion argument is filled with vague clichés. That said, I believe with a conservative legislature at the tiller, Johnson would be a far superior choice over the present field.
Whatever his specific policies, he is a small government man and has proven it in New Mexico.
He has no felonies hanging over his head.
He can form sentences and doesn’t dabble on Twitter like a little girl.
His plans to cut deeply into the military would be impossible to carry out with a conservative congress.
His abortion stands are pretty much what we have right now, so it isn’t like we’d suddenly have abortion clinics in our middle schools.
His immigration stand is naive, but again with a conservative congress, he wouldn’t be able to declare the US a haven for every loser wanting welfare or coming here versus fixing their own dysfunctional country.
Further, Johnson strikes me as a man who would not employ totalitarian, statist, non-existent “executive authority” to push these things through without the consent of the governed. To do so would run counter to everything he claims to believe. Also, if conservatives in congress push for banning gay birthday parties or call for mandatory prayer at NASCAR events, a President Gary Johnson would veto that. There are real checks and balances possible here.
I am suggesting, whether you agree with his individual policies of not, he’d be a better president than the clown or the felon. Besides, single-issue voters and populist voters have enabled both parties to destroy this nation. Any person elected for this one policy or for that one group has not been properly tested. They have no evidence of being able to navigate in the real world effectively.
I’ll take it a step further. Johnson’s running mate, Bill Weld, unlike Mike Pense, doesn’t believe the world is 6,000 years old. Weld doesn't believe it was made to look older by the devil to deceive us. He isn’t a corrupt party hack like Tim Kaine. With this ticket we really are getting a two-fer.
At this writing, there are less than 70 days left until the election. What can be done in that time to really change the outcome? Well…a lot, actually. And the work can be done in 30 days. And it is ridiculously easy work. The question is, will you do the work? My experience with social media says most of the people who read this are just people living in their respective echo chambers, unwilling to put out the effort to really impact their own governance. The more obnoxious the posts, the less brain power and the less likely they are to vote. And that’s just talking about the people who show an interest in politics. Many are utterly cynical or obtuse about it all.
But we have a simple way to get people engaged and cause an event that has only happened twice in our history; force the election into the House of Representatives. If we succeeded in doing that, using a ground-swell operation, there is no way even the stupidest of Republicans would elect Clinton or Trump. And a lot of Democrats would come along with the wave.
Before I tell you how YOU will make history, let me reiterate; as president, Johnson will do things that will piss off conservatives. He will also do things that piss off liberals. Hell, he already says things that flame out Libertarians! I guarantee all three of those statements are true. But he will be a more level-headed, honest and capable president than Clinton or Trump. The most important contribution he will make is in the area of economic growth. He will need a conservative congress to succeed here. Reid and Pelosi are devoid of scruples and will simply stand in the way of anything Johnson would do to shrink government and grow the economy. With the first real uptick in interest rates, you are going to find out how critical that is, no matter what side of the fence you are on politically. The economy doesn’t care if you think there is such a thing as social justice or you want school prayer. People in both those camps are going to be slammed the just as hard when Janet Yellen runs out of Wall Street sugar pills. So we’ll need a fiscally conservative down ticket to right the ship.
This is Where The History Happens
Almost everyone knows what happens if you take a penny and double it every day for a month. For those that don’t, if asked how much money you’d have in thirty-one days, you often get estimates of tens or maybe hundreds of dollars. The fact is you’d have over ten million dollars.
But who would be able to generate that much money to test the process? Certainly not me. And if you could, what would be the purpose of the experiment? You’d already have the money so the experiment would silly.
But what if we apply it to politics? If everyone reading this did a few very simple (I’ll admit, a bit gutsy) things in the next 24 hours, we could not only push the election into the House, we could possibly secure outright victory for a new breed of politician. Not since Lincoln has anything so historic happened in a presidential election. And you can be a real part of it. With this plan every single link, every person taking part, is as critical as every other. Every person can truly say, “I changed the course of history!”
So here are the steps:
Commit to throwing your support behind Gary Johnson.
Go to Johnson’s website and throw the campaign a bone. It could be $5.00, $1.00, $3.68; anything. Just chip in a little. (This will help, but it is actually the least important step in the process.)
You all know disaffected voters from both parties and people who just don’t vote or participate. Cut and paste this article in an email and send it to them. Or send them the link to this post. But then talk to them by phone or in person. Tell them you know they are in X party, or you know they really don’t care about politics generally, but would they please just give you a listen and let you make your case. Then step them through the points listed above.
Try to do it all in one day but DON’T GIVE UP UNTIL YOU HAVE TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTED TO DOING THESE SAME 4 SIMPLE STEPS. Encourage them to do the very same thing. Each person brought along to find two to do all the same things. Find two, who find two, who find two, etc. And by all means, don’t limit yourself to 2 people. If you are on a roll, keep going!
Actually vote for Johnson in November. And vote a fiscally conservative down ticket.
Let's say of all the people who see this post in the next 24 hours, only six decide to commit and stick it out. If each successive person had complete success in only 25 of the next 30 days, there would be 100,663,296 people actively supporting and voting for Gary Johnson by the end of September. That’s not an indecisive, House of Reps election. That’s outright victory! And we would have done it entirely on our own. No political organization, no government involvement; just citizens who got together, with a very simple process and blew the doors off the old school!
Pie in the sky? Well, if we do a quarter of that, the House will put Gary Johnson in the White House.
We can do this! YOU can do this! Good luck.
For extra credit: contact CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, all of them. Tell them whom you vote for is not for them to decide. From now on you expect to see Gary Johnson and Jill Stein asked for their reactions to anything the other candidates are asked about. For every Trump or Clinton event covered by the media, there should be Johnson events covered as well. If there are reporters assigned to the dem and the GOP guy all day, there should be the same assigned to Johnson. Tell the media to stop living up to our worst expectations, for a change, and do their damn jobs.
Full disclosure: I am not, nor have I ever been a part of any campaign for federal office. This project originates here at and is created entirely by the author. Send inquiries to
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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