Good Friends, Milestones and Clown Bikes. Jeff Kerr Update.
Quick Update on Jeff Kerr and Team "Heroes"
We were recently in Williamsburg visiting my son, Phil and his lovely wife. I’ll have some news to share about them in a bit. While there, we caught up with our friend Jeff Kerr. If you recall, in January I announced that 50% of my proceeds from the second addition of STREET POLITICS are designated to go to Jeff’s Multiple Sclerosis event in June. Jeff not only volunteers tirelessly for folks who suffer from MS, he is battling the disease himself! And I’ll be honest, I don’t know where he finds the time to do it all.

Dinner with Jeff and Shannon. Jeff was going on night shift immediately after. I told him I'd tone down my own bad-assedness so as not to upstage him. I hope I succeeded. We’re off to a sputtering start on fund raising, but we’re moving anyway. And with the book biz being what it is; slow reporting and such, June is about 10 minutes away! So if you haven’t grabbed your copy of STREET POLITICS, you can do so here, right now. I’ve intentionally priced it well below the political market niche. If you have gotten your copy, you’re awesome and we love you for it! But please share this post on all your social media sites. I am an indie writer. YOU are all the market Jeff and I have. If you want to know about the book, go to the end of this previous post. You’ll find that STREET POLITICS has conservative underpinnings, but it's written so ANYONE can enjoy it and benefit from the message. As for Jeff, he just got back from Florida, where he drove alone from Virginia, to participate in a Police Unity Tour event supporting widows and children of fallen officers – all in one weekend! The man never stops. And he spends so much time doing for others. It was great to see him, his wife Shannon and their daughters twice over dinner this month. We did some catching up and I started to get the bike burn again. I think if we get back to Virginia, I may prepare to ride my 38 lb, recumbent, clown bike (it’s actually a trike) in the 2018 MS event. We’ll see. I’ll keep you posted on that. I have to drop a few inches of belly to do it.

This is the only known image of your host on the clown bike. I know what your thinking: "Women love me. Men want to BE me." I'm just a tad wider now. But I'm still incredibly sexy! So anyway, let’s do something for this super cop, Jeff and all the others for whom he fights. Grab a copy of the book for yourself or your weird uncle who watches the news and yells at the TV.
The Other News!
Phil and his sweet wife, Ange…well…they are soon to be parents! Of twins! We couldn’t be more excited. I can tell you, as a grandparent, it never gets old. With every grandchild born, we get just as excited as the last.

We love these pictures! And the people in them. My wife, Lyn is beside herself. She wants to see those babies NOW! I had to give her a quick review of the gestation process to calm her down. These will be grandbabies number 7 and 8 for us. With four sons, our daughters-in-law and all the cookie snatchers, the birthday calendar is getting a bit crowded. But I’m not complaining. It’s a good problem to have. (I suppose I’ll have to use the term cookie snatchers more advisedly now. Caity is as tall as her grandma and Liam is driving!)
Bravely into the cold!
While we were on the east coast, we got to watch Matt IV, Ken and Pat do the Polar Plunge in Sea Isle, NJ. But it wasn’t very polar. It was about 50 degrees on the beach. But the water was cold!

As you can see, this Polar Plunge is serious business. One should approach it with dignity and respect. It was quite a sight; a mass of people as far as the eye could see in both directions all running toward the ocean. Then they all ran even faster back onto the beach.
Another milestone:
I don't need a lot of reminders that I am getting older. The other day I trimmed my nose and ear hair. The sink looked like I'd given myself a crew cut. Sigh. But that reality didn't dampen my pride and happiness at seeing my oldest son, Matt, turn 40. 40! I can't explain how short the time seems from when he took some of his first steps outside our house on NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. The little guy in a onesie and the baggy diaper has already completed two tours in the Army before moving on to a technical design career, now with PECO. We celebrated his birthday at Chickie's and Pete's at the Parx Casino in North Philadelphia, while watching his beloved Flyers on big screens. That was a neat party. Thanks, Becky.

Matt's 40th. Excellent party!
Never Enough Time
We also got to spend some time with the rest of the grandkids. Kenny's kids are growing so fast. Pat's have learned to scream at 140 db as a form of communication. They seem to find it entertaining. But they are all incredibly sweet. At least when Pop Pop and Nana are around. So that’s the latest from the House of Jordan. I like to do these fun posts once in a while. I can't be serious all the time. Actually, serious is not my primary nature. Please keep in touch and please -- remember to help me help Jeff help himself and others! Thanks everyone!