Beware! Mindblowing Lunacy Looms.
THE UPCOMING LUNACY WILL BE INEXCUSABLE. But half of you will buy into it.
I haven’t been writing as much as I had in the past. One big reason is the impossibly irrational atmosphere we live in today. As a political commentator, I am left at a loss as to where to inject reason into any argument. But looking ahead, if you can believe it, we have more lunacy coming down the pike.
The COVID hysteria has not helped at all.
But there is an important event on the horizon that you need to pay attention to. It is urgent enough for me to look past the endless nonsense of look downs and mask arguments to give you a heads-up.
The track record of the “chicken littles” has been to keep you in a constant state of worry and fear since they decided to finally take the Chinese Plague seriously in March of this year. The reason for that is purely political. The people who cry the loudest about politicizing a virus are the ones who have made it nothing else.
A preview of the upcoming event occurred when the CDC and most states agreed it was time to reopen the economy (That’s the thing we never should have shut down as it turns out. I would contend we haven’t saved a single life doing so. I’ll explain that later.) We were warned of the obvious fact that when we reopened there would be spikes in COVID cases. Everyone agreed to that.
Cool Gifts.
We'll just pretend we didn't hear it.
Then we started to bring businesses online. Restaurateurs and others who depend on a constant flow of consumables and/or perishables dumped all they had into restarting. Within a week, and during a time of increased testing, GASP, there were more cases of Red Death reported!
Did our brave, strong nation say, “Okay, we knew this would happen. Be careful, weigh your risks and push ahead!”? Noooo. Half the nation and all the places run by Democrats reverted to blind panic and victimized those same struggling businesses we already screwed. But this time they were double screwed because they were not going to see a return on the extra expense they had to put up to reopen. This was on top of their previous losses.
This is the same idiocy you WILL witness in coming weeks. This is how it will shake out.
Remember you heard it here first.
In mid to late November the flu will start to emmerge. Kids will start getting the flu. The flu is infinitely more dangerous for children than the ChiComm Fever. So in order to justify many months of the nonsense we’ve already seen, and in order to pull in that good federal spending associated with the COVID, ALL the kids reporting with flu will be listed as “suspected” COVID cases. After testing, positive or negative, they will be counted as COVID related. When the flu starts killing our children as it does every year, those dead children and their families will be exploited. First their deaths will be listed as COVID or COVID related. There will be little or no consideration for whether they actually had the virus. The press will hunt down as many of these families as they can and will feature their wretched grief every half hour on the idiot box. Some of those families (yes, there are people this debase out there) will eagerly participate in the exploitation of their dead child.
How's that for inexcusable lunacy?
Photo Credit: Ichkäfer Flickr via Compfight cc
Don't doubt me on this. Since the outbreak of this thing, every single person who tested positive for COVID, who subsequently died, has been listed as a COVID death. The term is "COVID-related". It counts against the national death count. And it is counted regardless of whether the patient exhibited COVID symptoms.
And the battle cry will be, of course, Donald Trump killed our children because he didn’t stop COVID. They are already saying it about adult deaths every single day. It isn’t true. He was negotiating the development of COVID antibodies two months before his detractors stopped saying he was hyping the disease for political reasons. These same assholes now claim they were “ahead” of Trump since the start of the pandemic.
So, yeah, all the same people will lie shamelessly over the coffins of our kids who die of flu. And the tribal drones who quote them today, calling it “science”, will sadly nod and agree with this new narrative later.
This will happen. Even though I am writing this now; even though others will make the same predictions soon; you will see this new narrative emerge.
The Point I Promised
I said earlier that we have not “saved” a single life with the lock-downs and other restrictions. If we have the true numbers “saved” are utterly negligible. How do we know this? Well, as early as June 66% of those coming down with COVID said they were wearing masks, participating in restrictions and social distancing.[1] As of today, 26 October 20, we are seeing spikes in cities all over the country. Everywhere you go, 99% of the people are keeping their distance and wearing masks. Major cities are still under draconian lock downs or other restrictions. And the numbers still continue to spike occasionally.
The tribal drones will tell you this is because of the 1%, the selfish people who don’t wear masks or live their lives as normal.
[loud game show buzzer]
Sorry kiddies. You can’t have your argument both ways (although you always assume to with other issues like climate change). If wearing masks works and social distancing works and staying out of restaurants works, then you should be safe and healthy despite what the mean, selfish people do.
Ah, but you have been going to restaurants and bars and Walmart and parties too, haven’t you? You have made your own risk assessment, even unconsciously, and gone about YOUR life. And despite all your cautions and virtue signaling the virus continues. It will accelerate as the weather gets colder and we spend more time indoors, masks or no masks. If you don’t want to catch it, stay home. Don’t go to Walmart. Don’t go to restaurants. Don’t have parties at your house. Don’t go to work.
If you do any of those things, there is NOTHING you can do to avoid exposure. And the onus is on you to make your own risk assessment and no one else.
[1] Speaking only STATISTICALLY, that figure says if you wear a mask you have a 44% greater chance of acquiring COVID than if you do not. In fact, all weekly average increases can be accredited to the gradually increasing number of tests capturing a wider and wider number of positives. But it still makes the mask fetish look less effective.