It's Time to Arrest Hillary Ramrod Cinton!
The greatest advantage HRC has in keeping her campaign alive, and her old ass out of jail, is the half-hour news cycle and citizens with the attention span of a puppy in a yard full of squirrels.
News programs these days are loaded with little more than teasers about what is actually happening in the world. By cranking out short segments and repeating them over and over all day, Fox, CNN, the networks, etc. give the appearance of doing their jobs. They never have to really dig or layout complex stories and do any REAL analysis of what they are reporting. The kind of analysis you will see here and now. What I am about to discuss is correct and based on facts released by the Intel IG, the State Dept. and - stupidly - by HRC, herself. There is much more out there, but the people with the connections and resources to pursue it are too lazy or morally corrupt to do so.
With just this episode - there have been other very serious offenses committed by HRC, personally - crimes have been committed that make anything Nixon did vanish in significance. But the FBI drags its feet and those in a position to inform the public are simply taking talking points and released documents and passing them along with no real effort expended.
Some of the talking heads at Fox News are fond of saying that this steady drip, drip of news will hurt Clinton. That's preposterous. She and her friends at State are controlling the flow to keep the story at a very low boil hoping to make her nomination a fait accompli, and any effort to undo it, a political conspiracy. The FBI slow-walking the investigation makes them complicit already. Without an informed electorate to deal with, they'll continue running interference for Clinton.
If we are to avoid having an actual criminal running for president in the general election, this story must be exploded in the press and explained from the beginning up to the present, so people can finally see what this woman has done to sully herself and her office. Hillary Clinton must be placed under arrest. There is more than enough evidence to do that. More charges can always be added later as more emails are recovered from the server she "slicked" to hide evidence. Yes, another criminal offense.
I'll give you a "for instance" regarding the FBI's complicity on this matter. If it were discovered that I, while working in my previous job, had a computer at home, on which I conducted sensitive government business without having it properly authorized, I'd have been immediately arrested and my house would have been torn apart until every speck of evidence was gathered by investigators. I would have been immediately charged with crimes for simply having and using the computer at home. It would be a slam dunk.
If, in the course of the investigation, it was discovered that I had classified information or Privacy Act information or just For Official Use Only (FOUO) information on that computer, the charges would simply be laid on as they came to light. This would be done by honest investigators to prevent me from tampering with evidence or taking a runner.
By failing to treat HRC like any other criminal suspect, having caught her red-handed with the goods, the FBI not only gave her the opportunity to destroy evidence, leaving to doubt if we will ever get all the information she compromised, but they have allowed the story to fester and her lies to gain steam in the public eye.
And here's how the criminal suspect is taking advantage of the time the FBI has provided.
There is an ever-evolving set of talking points used to cover up or play down Clinton's crimes against the citizens of these United States. Many of the older points listed in a brilliant, earlier post are still recycled and regurgitated. But unscrupulous mouth-pieces also keep an ear out for new ones they are expected to obediently parrot on behalf of BJ Bill's wife.
Here are two from last weekend.
First, Clinton's minions are claiming that the State Department's withholding of the 22 new, incriminating emails was a case of "over-classification run amuck." Really?
Well, let's think about that. I will allow for the fact that most Clinton supporters do very little thinking. Those that do only think of ways of lying to themselves or others in order to keep this criminal's political hopes alive.
We are told neither the hag nor her campaign have anything to do with the emails being released. Okay, well then how would they know the content of the 22 Top Secret, unreleased emails well enough to make a judgement as to the value of their classification? She is either lying because she doesn't know which of the thousands of classified documents she released onto the internet were being withheld by State, or the Department of State is allowing her team to review the ones being released, thereby collaborating in the (criminal?) contempt of a judge's requirements.
Another phony line comes from Erikka Knuti of Purple Strategies.[1.Do you like how they do that? "Purple" as if to say, "We're not blue (Democrat) or red (Republican). We're purple, for all the people, promoting understanding and civility. Yeah, right.] Her talking point? "All of this (the server, the cell phone, the passing of classified information) was perfectly legal in 2009."
There is only one tiny problem with that statement: It is completely untrue.
In 2009, if you wanted to work remotely with government information there was an intense procedure that had to be followed. Any device (lap top, desk top, hand-held) would be government property. An official IT person charged with the task, would have to take the device out of the box, and make it compliant with government programs. That would not be the IT guy you talked into coming to your house and working under the table, without the proper authorization.
All work done on any of these devices would be through a government network, of the proper classification ONLY. All emails would go through the same network and be held AUTOMATICALLY on government servers. While you can say a server is just another computer, it doesn't allow for the procedures to be sidestepped. They are there to protect the employee (even the Secretary of State) and the information for the purposes of security, history and oversight.
Ignorance of these facts, as anyone who has ever taken training, as HRC did, in the handling of sensitive information, IS NOT AN EXCUSE. Nor is, "I forgot", or "It was done for convenience", nor are any of the other myths the Clinton drones are pushing.
The "just for convenience" line is an example sine qua non of the blindingly arrogant way in which BJ Bill's wife conducts her affairs. Instead of carrying two small devices - her own for private messages - and one owned and provided by the government, for official business, Clinton expects people to believe she found it convenient to wire her house to hell and gone, pay for expensive computer equipment, bring a guy home from work to do unauthorized work, pay a higher utility bill, pay two companies to back up her server (neither of which was cleared to store the information) and coach others to commit crimes by cutting and pasting classified information into unclassified documents in order to send them along to HRC.[2. We have that last tidbit, her tutoring others to break the law, in writing.] This was all more convenient than carrying two small devices.
Even if you overlook the lie about numbers of devices - she carried two and possibly three - the fact remains she expected this "convenience" lie to be believed no matter how ridiculous the facts made it look.
The evidence would indicate that this woman intentionally ignored the law, set up a private server and intentionally shielded her work as an official of these United States from oversight and historical protection. In doing so, it becomes clearer every day that she did so to the endangerment of people's lives and the degradation of our national security.
Worst of all, she had a cadre of enablers, including the President of the United States.
A comical side note: On 3 Feb, speaking on CNN, this lying creep said that the vast right-wing conspiracy is still the problem here, going all the way back to 1993 with her and BJ Bill lying for years about his abuse of women. The present day right-wing conspirators include the slow-walking FBI and an Obama appointee.
2/5/16: Last night, the thing said if she is to be investigated, others MUST be as well. So...Powell and Rice had spillage so what if I loaded an unsecured server with thousands of classified documents? Is that the new defense?
In trying to quantify and detail her level of contempt toward the American people, language fails.