A Love Letter to SC, et al. Dump the Cults! Part I
If you have friends and people in your social network from South Carolina, Nevada or the SEC states, please send this to them. What follows needs to be said and no one is saying it.
Let me first address the black citizens of South Carolina and upcoming primary states.[1. Note I didn't patronize you with the politically correct term "African-American". Vanishingly few of you have ever been to Africa, much less been born there. And only a slightly larger number would know anything substantial about the continent. I used the term "black" because that is a more common term for individuals whose genetic code has provided them with a deeper skin tone than mine, for example. There, our differences end. And I am not going to use an "infantilizing" term to win you to my argument. I'll let the argument stand on its own.] You are being played. I can see from man-on-the-street interviews that some are seeing through the deception, but I worry that many are not.
I have been listening to the Clinton campaign talking about their "Black firewall" in South Carolina. Really? Is this the same woman who invited the same husband to this campaign who last time wrote off SC because "afterall, they voted for Jesse Jackson'"? The same husband who excoriated Ted Kennedy's support of Obama saying, "C'mon! Five years ago he'd have been serving us coffee!"? Bill Clinton's mentors in politics are J. William Fulbright and Orval Faubus. Clinton's words, not mine. If he has an interest in a black voter in the South it is what he can get from you.
While we are on the subject, would you leave your daughter alone in the same room with this candidate's husband? Of course you wouldn't. He doesn't share your values. He has no respect for women. He couldn't care less if come next Sunday, you all slid into a sink hole.
And of the candidate; what single action has she ever taken (other than just today meeting with a religious charlatan, who happens to share your skin tone, in New effing York) that has in any way impacted your life in a productive way? None, of course. Meeting the criminal tax dodger was a ham-handed stunt to make you think she's your gal. Yes, she really does assume you are stupid.
In fact the most significant thing she has done, in an official capacity, was to make you and the country you live in less secure through criminal use of unsecure communications as Secretary of State. And she did this while soaking rich people, foreign politicians and foreign governments of money in exchange for influence. All this while she was supposed to be looking after our international standing as SecState. She has nothing to point to, while in office, other than the corruption and failure mentioned above.
As far as her interests in Carolina black folk are concerned, her interests have never run further south than the southern most office building on Wall Street.
For decades now, the Democratic party has built within itself a cult of ownership over the minority vote. Despite years of resistance to the first three Civil Rights Acts initiated by the Eisenhower administration, despite those only having passed by consistent and overwhelming Republican support, despite the fact that Johnson had to cash in all his political chips with Democrats to finally see it passed, they have held a rather substantial portion of the minority electorate. For decades, places where Democrats are the strongest, the people (especially minorities, most especially black Americans) are the least heeded and most bereft of success. But his year is unique.
I am not a fan of the term "social justice". All societies have codes of justice. I believe the only form of "social justice" is a society where all are permitted the dignity of self fulfillment and where the government gets the hell out of the way so that can happen.
But if you believe that social justice is having an ever-growing nanny state which lives your life for you and keeps you in a stigmatized bubble of dependency, then your candidate is Bernie Sanders. His thoughts on economics might be fatally flawed, but he represents himself truthfully. He is the real deal. Hillary is a heartless cypher who will say anything to be elected and works only for her own advantage. She can't even fall back on an honorable, if flawed, set of personal standards. She has no standards.
So this year, leave the cult. Quit marching to their beat. Hell, don't even march to mine, although I wish you would. Stand up and tell the cult leaders you are making your own decisions from now on.
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Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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