Stick around to the end.
I am not a constant fan of Bill Maher. On the topic of religion, he and I are very much aligned. On politics we have been in different camps for a very long time. I often watched his show or listened to his monologues, laughed, and then concluded he was just a snarky, little shit…but funny.
But when the “woke” people started embarrassing mainstream Democrats by their very delicate existence, Bill started to tickle my confirmation bias on a fairly regular basis. If he and I were to sit down for a beer, we would represent the simple, productive, mature normality of grownups who disagree about stuff. We’d bust each other’s balls, poke fun at each other’s political heroes and laugh about the things we DO agree on as well. That’s how normal guys come to a meeting of the minds. This is what separates us from the doctrinaires on both sides of the sociopolitical spectrum. It sets us firmly on the opposite side of the reality threshold from the perpetually offended.
The most telling of the vapid complaints in the video featured below, comes from Saran Kaba Jones, founder and CEO of Face Africa. She is one of those people who start a “non-profit” and try to scrounge government cash and private donations. Owners of these organizations are notorious of paying themselves ridiculous salaries, written off as expenses, then doing little, altruistic odd jobs to justify themselves. Good work if you can find it. She says Mr. Beast does what he does and “gets all the attention.” Yes, Dipshit! YES! When you’re a small-scale do-goodder - OR scam, YOU DON’T GET AS MUCH ATTENTION AS THE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE! IT’S WHY I AM STILL 6.99 MILLION LISTENERS FROM BLOWING JOE ROGAN OFF RUMBLE! I HAVEN’T MASTERED THE MEDIUM! …Yet. Gimme another week.
But that quote encapsulates what wokesters crave most. Attention…and participation trophies. Cry me a river, Karen! …or Saran!
But always, behind Maher’s sarcasm and humor, there is a serious message. You don’t have to agree with that message. But if you’re older than, say - five, you should be able to consider the merits, accept or reject them, and laugh at the funny parts.
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