Change the Game!
In mid 2015, Lyn and I walked away from a six-figure income to live a simpler life and so I could pursue a new career as a writer. With my first book, a political primer ahead of future works, I think I really hit on some ideas that are being proven right with almost every political headline. The candidates who employ the ideas I list in the book, 16 20 24: A Path to Consistent Conservative Victory, are doing well in the primary season. The timid, risk averse candidates have fallen away. Their exit from the stage is no reflection on them as people or political aspirants. I often complain that the adults have left the room. It is a reflection of the changing political landscape. The people want louder, more aggressive politicians. But is that enough?
To find the best among those still running we need to harness our own frustration with politicians and start making more demands for quality and intelligence. It is one thing to be loud and know how to get a headline, as I point out in the first two chapters. But once the politicians enter the fray, we voters need to demand adult policies and a real argument from those we might support (the remainder of the book). So far, and we are looking at the third primary state already, we have sold our support pretty cheaply.
I believe the concepts espoused in this book will contribute to a better political contest to the benefit of this country. I also believe that voters who look for the type of candidate I outline, in their state and local races, will build better states and communities as well.
We hear all the time about voters' anger and frustration. Channel that anger! Change frustration to a focused rage! Read a straight-forward synopsis of what you hadn't thought of before or already know yet hadn't had time to clearly conceptualize. Don't be a mindless follower! Be a smart, educated, demanding voter! Get this book, TODAY.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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