It’s truly amazing! We live in a world where dozens of countries now outperform us on almost every metric of every measurable quality of life issue. They are also now running their economies far more efficiently and with greater relative abundance than the United States!
I know there is at least one generation that has come into adulthood watching the USA strive for mediocrity. They may not be too put off by the reality of a weak and effete international image. But to those who have gone before you, it is a source of rage and embarrassment.
Sadly, only one or two members of the kindergarten we call congress has the fortitude to rail against this reality. They actually want to fight back. One is Senator Rand Paul.
The American politician lives in an intellectual bubble. I have no money to waste on these creatures. My platform is still small. So I have no sway with any of them - yet.
The good news is there is a place where one can inject reason. It’s here with you.
We can start to bend the trajectory of this nation at any moment. It is a simple case of casting off the ways of the weak prole, and take on the old mantle of the proud and strong American.
More important than my peers doing so, is the need for the young to do it. So, young adults, heed my call. You have been allowed (hell, encouraged) to imitate the shallow empty life you see on all media platforms. You know none of it is real. At whatever level you engage it, you know you are just playing along with nonsense. That’s because on some level, and only for the time being, you can actually FEEL like you belong to something, delusional as you know it really is.
To all of you, male and female of every race, I say it’s time to grow the hell UP! Stop seeking distraction from responsible adulthood and start being a actual adults. There’s no one out there trying to stop you except the Orwellian, lunatic government who needs you to remain docile and controllable proles for the rest of your lives. They want you staring at your phones and scratching at each other so you won’t slap THEM down. Your tribalism, factionalism; your willful ignorance of reality, is their protection.
And they know they’ll be safe from you soon. If they can keep you quiet and distracted now, they know they will keep you bowed and subservient when everything they have planned comes to fruition.
Don’t let ANY of those plans survive. We will talk about all the specifics every week here at P4B. But it is you who must take your life back. Only YOU can live like real men and women, not like Instagram fairy tales.
Read books. Reject a done-for-you life. Seek the wisdom of those who have gone before you. Marry the terms masculinity, femininity, maturity and responsibility into a robust and satisfying life. And I’ll give you a boost up: there is little to be found on social media that will contribute to that life if it is not inline with what you are reading right now.
Bold. I know. But true.