The Convention of States Movement
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The Convention of States Movement is now gaining real traction. I find this exciting for a few reasons, which I'll discuss below.
What is the Convention of States?
There is a process, championed by George Mason, inserted into the Constitution whereby citizens, can seek to directly make amendments. This is done by persuading 3/4 of the states to call a Convention of States (CoS).
Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Site of the First Constitutional Convention. The signatories endeavored to correct flaws and abuses in The Articles of Confederation. In the face of profligate spending and broad overreach by the federal government, a problem stretching back to FDR, the present battle for a Constitutional Convention has been joined. We are on the cusp of success! The framers of this movement have chosen wisely to limit the scope of the convention. Some people fear that when seated, the CoS will declare itself an open convention. This is unlikely. But this author, for one, wouldn't be opposed to such a move. While the CoS will move to make a few reductions in federal power, the sad fact is, we are in need of a major reset back to an adult adherence to the Constitution. But the present CoS is not looking to upset the apple cart to that extent.
You Need to AT LEAST Look at the Project
This process is going to be an interesting one. And you should be interested. If a convention is seated it will have a profound impact on how business is done inside the Beltway. By reigning in the power of the federal government, we will expand the power of your state and local governments. This is a benefit few people appreciate, so dependent have we become on the big Mommy State. Most importantly this convention, and the trend in thinking it will inspire, will be a windfall for your personal liberties. But there is more to it than even that. One of the most unseemly aspects of the American political scene is the level of ignorance that exists among citizens. People have no idea even what conservative or liberal means anymore. Many don't know, or in some cases do know but don't care, that their government has ruled over them illegitimately for generations. People actually think it is the job of the president of the United States to "run the country" or show "leadership" to congress. This is the exact opposite of what the founders intended. And we, as a nation, have bought off on these wrong-headed notions to our detriment. But with the CoS movement we have a chance to relearn what we used to know from elementary school Civics classes. And the learning will be far more interesting than any political campaign; even more exciting than the bread and circus we experienced with the 2016 debacle. By just by paying attention to the issues being discussed you will find yourself drawn to the discussion. Ideas that you might think boring will suddenly take on new meaning. You will find out quickly where you truly stand on the political/philosophical spectrum in this country. This is the kind of event that can inspire a renewed sense of true citizenship, far more than petty, partisan politics. So even if you presently see yourself as disinterested in politics, give the movement a look. I hope some of you will come back and thank me later. This movement is for everyone, but I have a special note to conservatives. We on the right do a lot of shouting about the way things ought to be. And some did a lot of crowing after the'16 election. Some actually believe we achieved a conservative victory. Well, if you consider yourself a conservative and a proponent of the Constitution and you don't get your hands dirty with the CoS Project, you're not really a conservative. At least not one who can hoot about making America great again, or about respect for our founding documents, in a substantive way. If you haven't visited the link to George Mason yet, please take a moment to do so now. It is short and instructive. Mason. There are discussions below directly from the CoS website. Photo Credit: Independence Hall Flickr via Compfight cc Kindle Version, STREET POLITICS: It Ain't Your Daddy's GOP Anymore! 50% of all author proceeds go to fighting Multiple Sclerosis!!
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