Debate: The Down and Dirty
I won't go into a deep analysis tonight. This was a pretty clear result.
The governors outclassed the senators. The business women wasn't there because Reince Prebus is a first-rate pussy. Trump, in the eyes of everyone but his devoted rubes was, as usual an ignoramus.
Key moments. Christie manhandled Rubio. After he accused Rubio of repeating himself twice, Rubio repeated himself and the audience got a kick out of it.
Kasich was the nice quiet uncle.He'll have a good week in New Hampshire. But that will likely be his last hurrah.
The lib commentators are having orgasms at the possible nomination of Trump. They want to tear into him. He will not be prepared for this because no one is really going after him now.
Bush actually showed up tonight.
Good debate.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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