We are a movement committed to restoring our country to energy independence and our economy to some semblance of sanity.
Join our movement.
We will drive on all interstates, highways and major roads at 10 or more miles per hour below the speed limit, in a line abreast where possible, until our demands are met. Those demands are as follows (Evolving, list will grow and shrink based on priorities.):
1: Restore all government regulations on drilling and extracting oil, including lease costs, permit costs to 2019 levels. ALL!
2: Reduce restrictions on right of way access for drilling operations to 2019 practices. FALL IN recognizes that this particular problem is a state by state problem. That is why it FALL IN is coming to a state capital near you.
3: Immediately reopen ANWR and all previously available lands to drilling.
4:Â Commission 7 LFTR units for desalinization and power generation on the California Pacific Coast immediately. Commission a fleet of LFTR's throughout the US where ever a government-funded wind farm is presently planned. LFTR's and their use in California are explained here.
5: Commission 5 new Refineries and put all existing refineries back online immediately.
6: Completely outlaw the influence of ESG in the issuance of loans, mortgages, professional financial investment decisions (IRA managers, 401K managers, etc). Outlaw the use of ESG or anything resembling it in loan decisions, private and corporate. The reader may not see the connection to the Revolt. That is explained here. And It's MUCH worse now than as I described it here.
7: Actively support the construction of wind turbines and solar farms through private funding ONLY. This may seem a bit counterintuitive. But it will be made clear in future posts.
There is far more to discuss and we will. But for now, put an American flag on your car or truck, FALL IN and travel slow. I will provide a link for REVOLT below. I'll provide the least expensive I can find. But you don’t need car magnets.
Soap your car windows with liquid chalk. Suggestions: Drill here! Drill now! /// No ESG /// Kill ESG /// No Oil From Maduro! /// Roll With Us! /// Fall In Energy Revolt ///
Cheers! America First!
Window Markers: Tractor Supply