FBI: Federal Bureau of Insolence ("Goons")
As I have said repeatedly here, the FBI has been reduced to a goon squad. No one there has the fortitude to do the right thing; the constitutionally correct thing. Even when presented with a chance to wash their hands of the stench of this administration’s corruption, the FBI opted to ignore Congress’ oversight and stonewall of behalf of the felon, Hillary Clinton.
The only difference between Comey and John Koskinen (of Goon Squad I, the IRS) is Comey isn't a smug, effete fairy.
As the extent of her illegal fundraising and the damage she has done to national security oozed out, the FBI intentionally slow-walked its overly narrow investigation. When congress finally saw all the missing pieces and demanded the proper documentation from Director, James Comey. (You remember him. He was the guy all the talking heads said was an upstanding professional.) Comey did two things so nakedly outrageous one can stand gob smacked.
First, he hands Congress documents so heavily redacted as to be worthless. It was said that personal data was removed to protect privacy. In reality in every case that could find Clinton up on federal charges, the requisite documents were completely blacked out.
When pressed to provide more documentation, Comey provided some. But he also set guidelines that go far beyond his mandate. He told legislators that they could see the requested documentation, but they could not discuss any of it, classified or unclassified. This is not within his scope of authority.
But it shows that Congress is actually not serious in doing their job. Knowing the FBI cannot forbid them to discuss UNCLASS material, they allowed Comey's admonition to stand as an excuse to avoid taking Clinton down, as they know they should. Grassley exclaims that if we were to hear the information, it would be earth-shaking. But by golly, that darned FBI won’t let us discuss it.
If Grassley or anyone else was serious, they would reject the illegal FBI mandate out of hand. They report to their constituents what it is they have found, from unclassified documents, on the most corrupt presidential candidate of all time.[i]
But mark my words. Congress will continue to pretend to investigate, the FBI will continue to act as Hillary and Barry’s goons and by election day they’ll all say, “Well, we did our darndest. But the slippery rascal got away with it all anyway. It’s best we let this go now and get on with the people’s business.”
We may have arrived at the time when the governing class has so much control over those who should be protecting us from tyranny; we may never recover our self-governance.
[i] That’s a rather narrow description. She was also the most corrupt and unworthy Secretary of State in history. She was equally squalid as First Lady of the United States and First Lady of Arkansas. From all indicators, she was only worthless as a Senator. That was New York’s problem as they knew she was carpet bagging them and that she didn’t give a damn about New York, other than Wall Street. But they voted for her anyway. Suckers!
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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