Flush Hamas
Bloody hell!
We are about to be treated, once again, to our media calling for restraint from both sides [emphasis will be theirs] in the renewed violence in Israel. This is so depressingly predictable.
Once again, Hamas supported by Iran (they can’t buy Kleenex without mullah money), who are supported by Joe Biden’s puppet masters, has decided to be stupid.
Oh, but MJ, snowflakes will say, Israel blockades Gaza. And indeed they do. If they didn’t there would never be even a lull in the violence. Understand this: the religious nut bags in Iran (Persians) couldn’t give two shits about a single life in Gaza.
They know their drones in Hamas have kept the dark ages version of Islam alive long enough in Gaza that there is an inexhaustible supply of cannon fodder that can poke the bear for them.
There shouldn’t be a free Gaza.
I have always believed the Israelis were suckers to allow Gaza to continue to exist as a Palestinian territory when they started swapping land for peace. Now, for the umpteenth time, Israel has a justifiable opportunity to change the status quo.
Gaza is a security and logistic nightmare. Israel has to check everything going in to try to keep weapons out. Meanwhile, Hamas sends endless annoyance attacks into Israeli territory.
Israel, considering their firepower, has shown amazing restraint up until now. Any of the incursions from Gaza has justified completely taking and annexing the Strip. It has been a thorn in Israel’s side for decades.
It’s time. Tell the religious nut bags they have 48 hours to release all hostages or they will cease to exist. Then give Gazans an option. Expel Hamas NOW. Or the IDF is going to do it for them. At that point Gaza becomes a permanent part of Israel.
There is a legitimate solution.
In ‘48-’49, when Israel beat back the first Arab attacks and established their nation, Golda Meir was sent to Jerusalem and Haifa to beg the Palestinians to stay. That’s more than Jordan did for them. There were reasons, pragmatic and humanitarian, for this.
Humanitarian: David Ben Gurion didn’t want to trigger a diaspora. And no decent human being would have encouraged the establishment of refugee camps. We had just come out of a war where the world had become too familiar with them.
Pragmatic: Ben Gurion did not want Israel to be a religious state. If the Palestinians had stayed and continued to live in the now larger Israel, it would have been constitutionally more difficult to base the state on a religion. He and Golda failed at both. Ben Gurion took office with a heavy heart.
Let’s try it again.
To be certain, EVERYBODY would be better off without Iranian-backed nut bags in Gaza. So, offer the Palestinians there the same deal. Please stay. You’ll have full citizenship. Your kids can be educated in our universities, just like Hanan Ashrawi. And you’ll be free to insult the government just like she did. And there will be peace.
BUT WE’RE COMING. Leave if you wish. That’s on you. But Hamas will no longer exist among you.
To be certain, living in the god-forsaken place under the thumb of Hamas has GOT to be a permanent migraine. I’m pretty sure that average Gazan wouldn’t mind seeing them gone.