The Four Morons Are Laughing At You!
Who Are The Four Morons?
You would only know the answer to that if you are a regular reader here. The Four Morons are the house and Senate leadership; Mitch McConnel, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan. Donald Trump has lately filled the roll of court jester, keeping the Morons entertained and happy.
Ryan and his band of cowardly, corrupt Republicans are going for a second bite at the apple to preserve Obamacare. This time they are offering the Freedom Caucus a "compromise" that amounts to an insult. Even the MOST basic free market reform, and the most effective in driving down costs, is not included in the present proposal; the sale of insurance policies across state lines. Instead we have territories carved out by the government.
Because major insurance companies pay government lackeys to keep competition off the field. And they pay well.
How do most of you NOT know this!
I have said many times, (notably here) that Trump was either completely ignorant of the Constitution, or he was a shill for the Democratic party. One of those statements is true. You can decide which. But you can't deny the damage he is doing to the Conservative cause and to the country, as he sits in the White House deciding who likes him and who doesn't. Nor can you deny his complete lack of intellectual curiosity. He has no intention of learning his job or following the Constitution. And the "Experts" Aren't Helping
Amazingly, if you listen to people who call themselves conservative, both on the idiot box and on social media sites, you've heard them saying that Republicans needed to pass Obamacare Lite. It's a binary choice they said; Obamacare or Ryancare. Or they point out how important it is for the Freedom Caucus to "support the President" by passing legislation they find repugnant. First off, legislators are not sent to Washington to make sure the President, any president, looks good. Unless they are Democrats. It is not their job to sell the mistakes of the President and Congressional leadership to us rubes outside the Beltway. Unless they are Democrats. Their job, as Ryan has long forgotten, is to represent their constituents based on the principles they ran and succeeded on. In the case of every single Republican save one, Collins, all ran on conservative, free market principles and a belief in individual liberty. Even Collins paid a bit of lip service to those principles. But only a handful stood by these beliefs and they killed the crap designed to replace the extra smelly crap. And how does the Twitter twat-in-chief react to REAL conservatives voting down trash legislation? He threatens to fight them and the Democrats as opponents. This assures us of two things. First, no matter what, he'll now not be able to muster a majority to kill Obamacare. Dems and lame Republicans (who got elected saying they are conservative, but are no such thing) now have Trump's cover to reject any real free market reforms to medical insurance. Ryan and his ilk didn't want to get rid of Obamacare. They want all the corporate goodies and easy votes from chumps that Obamacare gave the Dems. So they put up a poorly-funded version of the same dog shit, hoping we'd be stupid enough to let them get away with it. And don't kid yourself. No matter what he said, Chuck Schumer LOVED Obamacare Lite. The only thing he loves more is the full-flavored Obamacare. Second, Trump has made the possibility of his re-election much more difficult. Ann Coulter, FOX News and Brietbart will have to work overtime to pull the wool over your eyes again. Of course it wasn't too difficult the first time around. Trump mangled a couple of Bible verses and that was enough for the "Christian" hucksters to jump aboard and bring almost all of their rubes with them. He blurted out utterly nonsensical statements on abortion and the Obamacare individual mandate and still his cult, and not just a few "experts", declared him a conservative! Amazing!
As Usual, I Hit the Nail on the Head!
So as I predicted, one year ago yesterday, Trump IS overseeing the destruction of free-market conservatism either by design or ignorance. But he is doing nothing to move this country in the right direction. And no, executive orders saving 1000 jobs here and 200 jobs there, don't amount to anything. To put a finer point on it, watch what happens with "tax reform". There will be no reform AT ALL! There will be a reduction in the amount you pay right now. But the all mechanisms in place to raise them again, when the country sickens of Ryan and Trump, will remain in place. That's not reform. That's cotton candy, sweet and fluffy but without real substance. And that is the nature of the Trump presidency so far. If Trump ends this calendar year without striking all of Obamacare from the books and allowing competent professionals to produce free-market medical insurance, he will be a one-term President and a failure. Matt Jordan is host of and author of Street Politics: It Ain't Your Daddy's GOP Anymore! Grab your copy here and support a good cop in his battle with Multiple Sclerosis! 50% of all author proceeds go to Sheriff's Lt. Jeff Kerr and the Colonial Crossroads charity event.