Ha-ha-ha! [gasp, gasp] Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Do you remember Charlie Brown in the classroom, when he says something embarrassing and as his classmates laugh, he is surrounded by the words Ha-ha-ha in giant letters across the screen?
I imagine intellectually honest Trump supporters, who are paying attention, have been feeling like CB for the last few days. “Trump tells it like it is,” we read on Facebook until our eyes bled. “He’s not a typical politician. If he says it, he’ll do it.”
But, uh-oh! He’s looking more and more like a typical politician every day.
I can’t believe I am writing this. I have been dying to get away from politics for weeks. I have woodworking and travel articles burning holes in my brain. I am supposed to be making improvements to this website as I write this.
But I did say I’d account for every I-told-you-so I happened across. And they are flying out of DC and Trump Tower almost faster than I can keep up with them.
First, as I said here, there is not going to be a wall. We are already, only six days into the transition, talking about maybe a fence and some natural barriers, but not a WALL really.
Which is fine. A wall is an ineffective way to end illegal immigration. Enforcing existing law, without a single change (which includes ending “sanctuary cities”) will sharply curtail the flow into the US. If you want someone to leave, make staying unworkable.
But, yeah. No wall. Sorry.
Don’t cry for me Arizonaaaaaaa…
We hear much ballyhoo about Trump not winning the popular vote. This has not been established. As Arizona reported, the margin shifted in his favor, only Michigan remains. If he carries Michigan, he will get a big popular bump. More on that in my next installment.
On Election Day plus one, I told you a deal would be made to protect Clinton from prosecution. At E+6 we go from, “Yeah, you’d be in jail,” to, “I don’t want to hurt these people. These are good people.”
Awwwwww, c’mon!!! Pull the other one, it plays jingle bells!
Set aside that you don’t decide to prosecute what are very serious crimes to avoid hurt feelings. Obama, in protecting himself, protected Clinton. And we have likely already seen the payoff.
This morning we hear that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has said the pipeline can go through what protestors are calling “sacred land” in Montana.
Suddenly, one of Obama’s sacred cows has been cast aside. That which he maintained through his entire presidency and could have left office with it still intact, is tossed aside without comment.
Update: It looks like Trump didn't even get this. In the last week the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has joined the mindless chorus saying that whatever "tribes" claim as sacred land is sacred land and cannot be touched. Right! The Corps is now operating like the FBI and the IRS; as goon for the governing class. They are getting through executive authoritarianism what they can't get in the free market or real legislation.
If that’s all Trump got for the deal - he could have done it himself in two months - he is not the dealmaker he claims to be. I’ll let you in on a little secret: He’s not.
At any rate, Hillary now leaves unscathed. She and BJ Bill are now free to use the slush fund to broker political influence all over the world. And they will. We need not weep for them.
For those who are closing their eyes and shaking their heads head violently in disagreement, I’ll be back here in a few months to sadden you.

From the Land of You’ve-Got-To-Be-Kidding
I enjoyed seeing all those memes floating around with photos and lists of the dream cabinet Trump was going to pick. Lots of iron jaws and rock-ribbed conservatives, right?
I don’t recall Reince Priebus on a single list. And who is his very first pick? Tah Dah! It’s RP, himself! "Trump hates the establishment." "The establishment is going to be sorry when Trump gets to DC."
Reince Priebus
Oops. The ultimate establishment guy is now White House Chief of Staff.
I’m quite certain the Trump cult will counter all this with imaginary “reasons” for Trump’s pick. But they know, deep down, this is not what they voted for.
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore Flickr via Compfight cc