Hillary Milhous Nixon or Richard Rodham Clinton?
A Simpler, Happier Time
In the course of investigating a burglary of the Democratic headquarters in Washington, DC, Congress discovered that Richard Nixon had a surreptitious system recording all White House conversations. This was not new. FDR and Ike had such systems, as did Johnson and Kennedy. I have no doubt that every president since has had one. I’ll allow for a smart president who may not have wanted one for fear of taping himself saying something embarrassing. But in those days it was considered bad form for gentlemen to collect information on others in this fashion. (Yes, there was a time when such things actually meant something.) So it was incumbent upon congress to feign shock and appear to do something. Most historians of the era correctly conclude it was the discovery of the covert tapes that caused momentum to shift against Nixon in front of Sam Irvin’s Watergate committee. A subpoena was issued for the White House audiotapes. The purpose was to see what could be gleaned about the Watergate cover up operation. To that point, investigators only had hard evidence of a break-in – no one was disputing it at this point – and rumors that Nixon found out about the break-in and tried to cover it up. BUT… the ace kicker that sent the White House into a death spiral was an 18-minute gap in the taped evidence. To this day, it is not known what was in the missing 18 minutes. It could have been something about the cover up. It could have been something unrelated which was so sensitive that someone decided better to dump it and risk further legal damage than to risk it being played in open committee. Maybe it was something really juicy about Nixon or someone on the White House staff. No one knows. But it could also be that the person transcribing the tapes actually did hit the wrong button, letting the system run before discovering the error, thus taping over conversation. That was the official line at the time. The general consensus was Nixon tampered with evidence. Few people could be convinced otherwise. At that point Nixon’s impeachment and ultimate conviction in the well of the Senate was considered inevitable. That’s because as corrupt and divided as we saw our government at the time, there was still at least some sense of duty among statesmen. A huge number of politicians in both parties decided to do the right thing. No one circled the wagons and redefined the English language to create a 100% false narrative to protect a party or an individual; not even the President of the United States!
Nixon X 30,000 Documents = Clinton
Flash forward to two years ago. We discovered we had a Secretary of State who was actually the tip of the spear in a criminal conspiracy to breach national security, break several federal records laws and break several sensitive information laws. A short history can be found here. Later we found out she destroyed federal documents by the thousands. (This could have been avoided if the FBI hadn’t been reduced to a pack of political goons and had followed protocol upon discovering the existence of an illegal server being used to transmit official State communications.) Any single one of these acts was far more insidious than anything Nixon ever dreamed of doing. None of them were a prideful or misguided act to protect underlings. All were cynical, illegal acts performed by the principal suspect to protect herself from mandatory oversight and hide shady, pay-for-play scams with cronies and foreign governments. And at no point did anyone actually do anything effective to thwart or punish the crimes. Oh sure, Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdey have made just enough hay to keep their names in the news, but even they have dragged their feet. The entire Democratic Party apparatus inside the beltway has chosen to embrace seedy corruption over honorable service to their country in allowing Hillary Clinton to walk in the face of SO MANY blatant crimes. The Department of Justice and the IRS have been reduced to thugs covering up the crimes of their betters rather than serving the country. And this week we hear not only did Clinton destroy documentary evidence, she commissioned a civilian company – which was not cleared to hold the documents to begin with – to destroy their backups almost a full month AFTER subpoenas had been served and preservation orders had been issued for that very evidence.
We're Not Just Mucking About Here!
The complaints listed here against Hillary Clinton are not vague law school theory. Crimes, serious crime, have been committed. The chief perpetrator is running for president, unmolested. Her co-conspirators still work for her and work for her slush fund. If you were suspected of the same crimes, you’d be jailed without bond pending trial. If you were a similar risk to national security and had the Clintons’ track record for corruption, no judge would let you walk the street after arraignment. Your house would have been torn apart within hours of the server being discovered. You would not have had the months Clinton had to purchase software designed to cover up crime and carefully use it to permanently erase evidence. This is handcuffs and prison shit, folks. Every day Clinton walks free and is not tossed in the back of a police car is another victory for the political criminals who are wrecking this republic. How did we ever end up here? At what point did the Democratic Party completely sellout to slime? The Clintons are like the Peanuts character, Pigpen. Everywhere they have gone, for the last 35 years, they have moved in a cloud of blatant corruption. There has always been a stench about them. And yet there is no shortage of people willing to debase themselves by following in their fetid wake. There is no legitimate media in this country anymore. It is one thing to have an editorial line and spin commentary in favor of one candidate of another. It is something else entirely to ignore rampant crime and corruption and willfully further lies and obfuscation in order to see a candidate win office.
Serious Americans Need To Read This!
Are you one of the 60% who disapprove of the two "major" candidates? Would you like to take control back from the ruling class. Are you a Democrat sickened by the prospect of voting for Hillary? Are you a Republican who realizes "the Donald" is a clown and a fraud? Would you like to do something about it? Let's see some guts!
What Will It Take?
Trump once said that if he stood on 5th avenue and shot someone, he wouldn’t loose his following. Does anyone remember the reaction the left had to that remark? So what would it take for them to pull the plug on Hillary and go with Biden or Kaine? Clearly, harming our military and our security doesn’t count for anything. One needn’t be a naïve boy scout to be disgusted with it all. It isn’t puritanical to be sickened by the prospect of this nation being represented by an arrogant, self-serving felon. You don’t have to be a fanatical patriot to understand the disdain the military holds at the very idea of serving under such a person. Here, I am not speaking of the post-Vietnam “yes” men who populate the high offices of the Pentagon. I am talking about the professional soldiers in the field, officers and enlisted, who still have a sense of honor about them. It appears doubtful that a very large number of voters share this sense of honor and dignity. If polls are accurate, about 45% of the people still think Hillary Clinton deserves their vote. Is it ignorance of the facts or a lack of fortitude? Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here! Kindle Version, STREET POLITICS: It Ain't Your Daddy's GOP Anymore! 50% of all author proceeds go to fighting Multiple Sclerosis!! Find 16 20 24 on Amazon. Find 16 20 24 at Barnes & Noble