Would you be walking free right now? Hillary is!
Hillary Clinton is a CRIMINAL!
Update: 30 Jan 16
Within the last two weeks we have learned that there were SAP level documents on Hillary Clinton's server. We learned that BJ Bill's hag told people to delete headings on sensitive documents and send them unclas (Intentional criminal activity - and we have it in writing). And this week, the State Dept. held back 22 documents from release because to do so would do grievous harm to national security. And the documents were on her illegal, unsecured server
Update: 10 Dec 15
I will have much more to say on this issue. As of this week I am beginning to suspect the FBI of slouching toward the Clinton vortex of corruption.
We have heard FBI Director Comey say repeatedly that the FBI was apolitical and above reproach on issues political. Then, oddly, we hear that same thing repeatedly from the Agent heading up the terror investigation in San Bernardino. Why the hell would he say that? He is investigating a multiple homicide.
I am beginning to suspect that we are being inoculated in preparation of the announcement that no charges will be recommended by the FBI.
This would, of course, would be ridiculous. No competent law enforcement officer can say that there has been no crime committed here. And those crimes are serious. The only question is how many.
If the FBI announces that no charges will be recommended, that will be the end of the disinterested, professional image of the entire organization. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will have sunk to the level of the IRS; drooling, political goons.

First Hillary said she didn’t have a private email account for State Department work.
Then she said she did.
Then she laughed at a questioner and said that she didn’t use a private server for official business.
Then she said she did.
Then she said the server was none of anyone’s business and she would never give it up.
Later, she gave it up.
Before she gave it up, she said there were no official emails on the server.
Then she said there were.
Then she said no emails were deleted.
Then she said emails were deleted.
Then she said it is required that an official had to oversee the deletion of emails and she was that official. But she had been out of government for two years at that point, so she was not an official of any kind.
Very recently she said that IT people were in charge of erasing the emails.
Then she said her lawyers were in charge of erasing emails.
Then she said there was no classified information on the server.
Then she said there were no classified emails that were classified at the time she wrote/replied/forwarded them.
Then we found out that much of the info she tossed around was "classified at birth". Highly classified imagery, communications from heads of state, etc.
Then she said none of that mattered because it was all linked back to the State Department server anyway. Which of course is only true if an addressee was at the State Department. Many of her State Department emails had no links to State servers.
Then she said she turned over all official documents.
Then she started using numbers of pages to try to impress us, thereby demonstrating that she did not turn over all official documents.
Then she said she didn’t slick the server to hide evidence.
Then we found out she did.
All along she insisted she gave up all official material.
Then the FBI found a pile of emails Hillary tried to destroy, thereby interfering AGAIN in an official investigation. Many of them highly classified.
None of this is conjecture. She has said all of it publicly.
In the course of all this, she lied about receiving a subpoena and repeatedly lied to investigators.
How far down this list do you think you or I would have gotten before being handcuffed and bounced off the hood of an FBI car while our house was torn to pieces?
As I've said before, the Clintons are like Peanuts' Pigpen. They walk in a filthy cloud of corruption, character assassination, misanthropic arrogance and death.
Here's an irony. As of last Friday, 6 Nov 15, polls said that there were still 28% of the population who would be proud to have her as president. As sickeningly high as that number still is, she'll probably get an uptick now that she is blaming the Republicans for her crimes.
Image by Tuomas_Lehtinen at freedigitalphotos.net
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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