I’ve been talking about China falling apart for a while. This is a big deal! And now the really BIG cracks in the dam are showing. You need to pay attention to this.
Many people think that as their economy unwinds and becomes a tangled mess, China will lash out, a la Hitler. I don’t think that will happen. I could be wrong. They may see taking Taiwan as their salvation. It wouldn’t be. Whatever we didn’t destroy in the path of their advance, they wouldn’t know how to use anyway.
It would also be child’s play, should China suddenly go nuts, to shut down any vestige of an economy they might be able to hold together. They import EVERYTHING. We can deny them EVERYTHING.
BUT… that doesn’t mean the collapse of tens of trillions of yuan is not a problem. As I said in previous podcasts and posts, American companies are looking to beat feet out of China. For some reason, I owe it to stupidity or that China has a lot of dirt on Old Joe, the administration has been calling for CEOs to get back in there.
So the question for a possible economic contagion hurting us is: Will multinational companies wash their hands of China and replace their supply chains in time? We’re talking about everything from cell phones to medicine to medicine bottles to tampons here. In the near term, I am much more concerned about that than I am about war.
Check out the video.