A Lesson in Lib Think!
I am working very hard, here and on Social Media, to prevent the desecration of the Oval Office. By that I mean I want to defeat Trump and the felon. But I decided to take a short break to provide a lesson in Lib Think.
Despite my incredibly low opinion of him, I have to throw the bullshit flag when he is right but the world is getting the vapors over something he said. The media have their collect panties in a bunch over Trump not promising to respect the election results in November. Chris Wallace asked if he would and he said he'd wait and see if he'll respect the returns. It was a throw-back to an equally ridiculous question posed at the first GOP debate when Bret Baier. He asked who among the candidates would NOT promise to support the eventual nominee. All hands should have gone up. That would be the responsible answer. But only Trump's hand went up.
Picture this. Two nine-year old boys are standing on a garage roof. One says to the other, "Okay, I'll jump into the baby pool down there. But no matter what happens, you have to promise to jump too. Do you promise?"
That is the level of stupid loaded in the questions above. Last year, who among the candidates could know whether the eventual nominee might do or say something that would be just too egregious to support? What if Marco Rubio came to suspect Chris Christie of something very wrong? It got even more pathetic when North Carolina required candidates to sign a pledge to support a nominee before the primaries were held.
This week, on his usually inept, fumbling fashion, Trump said he would wait and see before he supported the election results. The incredibly arrogant Barack Obama sullied his office by not only entering the fray on this issue, but stated that Trump was dangerous. Oooooo! How ominous that someone should say that they need to see an event occur before pledging to uphold the results of the event.
Clearly, Obama thought Al Gore was a dangerous, unpatriotic villain for daring to question the results in Florida. Hey, W was declared the winner. That's it! Everyone shut up and go to bed, right? And how about that treasonous John Kerry saying he got robbed in Ohio? What an anti-democratic bastard! How dare he speak his mind when he thinks something might be amiss. We Americans need to sit down and keep our mouths shut, no matter what happens on election day. The last thing we need people doing is shaking the foundation of our republic by saying ANYTHING about an election like these two monsters did.
Never mind seeing Democratic operatives BRAGGING about how they use dead people, criminals and illegal immigrants to vote. We need to pretend we didn't hear that Clinton's people were hiring losers to start fights at Trump rallies. Trump is just anti-American. Trump's opponent is a black hole where ethics go to die. But he is supposed to assume she won't stoop to any low to get what she wants. He should just put his hand in the air and swear to support the winner, no matter what.
To all the pundits blathering about how terrible Trump is over this episode, well... let me be succinct. SHUT UP, YOU DROOLING SHIT BAGS! Trump may be the second worst presidential candidate in history, but he is right on this.
The Lesson:
The left and everyone in the media know Trump is right on this issue. But it doesn't fit their political plan. So they must take truth and turn it around 180 degrees and make it lie. Then take a lie and do the same thing, magically making it truth. A similar example is how they cried all last month about the Russians rigging our election and scoffing endlessly at Trump for saying - CORRECTLY - that the Dems are rigging the vote all over the country.
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Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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