A Love Letter to "Minorities" [smirking]
Bringing forward a classic from 2016. Replace BJ Bill's Wife with Brandon and you have the exact same message. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black!"
Do We Need to Obsess Over "Minorities"?
If America was living up to its full potential, or even half so, there would be no use for the term "minorities". What thinking human being gives a hot goddamn what color your skin is, who you have sex with, whether your name ends with a vowel or a consonant? In modern society, with all our technology, what is the fascination with a man in a wheelchair as opposed to out of one? Is there anyone left who thinks tits interfere with one's ability to understand a periodic table? If you are struggling with any of these questions, you are part of the problem I am discussing today.
I know none but the least intelligent business owners don't care about these things. When they shake your hand, the only thing they want to know is what you can do for their bottom line. If the relationship works out, it has much more meaning than that, but at first blush, it can't be other. That's why first impressions mean so much.
I know people with well-rounded social skills don't have a problem with these things. They want to meet people who bring an improvement to their quality of life. That's what a friend is. Again...first impressions. Sometimes a person can grow on you. But they can't, if they see you or themselves as alien to the relationship.
Just who ARE the Racists Out There?
The government is certainly obsessed with your sir name, the color of your skin, your relationship types, your genitalia, your use of a wheelchair.... When hiring especially, they are often less concerned for your ability to do a job as they are the bullshit matrix they've assigned you to. Even if YOU don't have any hangups about such things.
In real America, there are only three basic groups; Americans, immigrants and illegal immigrants. More about the third in a moment. But in recent years, employers, friends and others who will interact with you will usually find immigrants to be more "American" than Americans. That's because as Americans we have a) been broken down into so many mutually resentful subsets many of us no longer know what an American is, and b) we've become so spoiled, lazy and distracted we've forgotten what it means to be American.
I find it depressing to watch as so many members of what we refer to as "minorities" give their blind allegiance to those who have created their status as a "minority". In the process of doing so, those same hucksters have done serious (irreversible?) damage to those they insist are minorities.
I am speaking, of course, of the political Left. But feel free to add people who call themselves conservatives but pander to "minorities" for fear the liberals will make them look bad for not doing so. These people are the most irritating. They don't even know what "conservative” means. If they did their approach to Americans would be characterized by the first paragraph of this post.
Think about it. What the hell has the American Left - for simplicity's sake we'll just say Democrats - done for you lately? Ever? Would a member of a "minority" group in Detroit, Pittsburg, New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Chicago tell me what the Democratic Party has done for you? I will qualify the question thus: You don't work for the government and you haven't broken from the expected mold and started your own business or studied. And don't say schools or welfare. You can get those things anywhere. And too much "welfare" hurts you more than it helps you. (With that final qualification, I have pretty much destroyed any valid answer you might provide.)
So when I hear that Hillary Clinton has the "minority" vote locked up, I cringe. Look at any long term news cycle. Hillary Clinton develops an interest in "minorities" on the exact same level she did her job as Secretary of State. As SecState, she had requirements for things that were to reach her attention. Photo ops/good press, face time with Obama and the Clinton "Foundation". Anything else was assigned a lower priority. You can draw a dividing line at the point where Libya issues stopped getting her into high-profile meetings at the White House. At that point she went from tens of thousands of documents per year on the Lybia, to a few hundred. Sadly, for Stevens and the others in Benghazi, they were on the thin side of that line. Sorry Chris! Putin needs to buy up our uranium and Hillary gets money for the Clinton "Foundation".
And so it is with American "minorities". During election years, the Queen of Wall Street suddenly develops an affection for people she would otherwise ignore. Hell, she'll occasionally go all ebonic or acquire a faux Spanish accent just to show you she's your gal. But she's not. She never will be. Nor SHOULD she be, under this pretense of caring for "minorities".
Metaphoric show of hands; who is sick of being treated like children, intentionally divided into mutually resentful cliques? Me! I am! How about you?
Of what I've read, Stein is the only candidate who talks a game about "diversity" and "people of color". The only redeeming grace I see here is I believe she means it. She doesn't have a public policy and private policy, as Clinton does. Clinton has one policy for her rich, connected allies and one for those who she considers her lessers; specifically the poor and "minorities".
I mentioned illegal immigration. This is one of the most spectacular accomplishments of those who exhibit the racism of low expectations. They have convinced Americans of Hispanic decent or origin that letting illegals into the country is a good for legal Hispanic Americans because the illegals USUALLY share common sir names. Talk about cynical!
"Minorities" Might Vote for Clinton. Americans Won't!
If you are considered a "minority" and you are considering voting for Clinton, you are sealing your own doom for the foreseeable future. It will require a sense of self that goes beyond racial/ethnic/gender obsession, and a sense of pride to break free of the Democrats' plantation/ghetto/sorority.
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The P4B Book List
A strong P4B recommendation: The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel: Genius Power and Deception on the Eve of WWI by Douglas Brunt A real-life murder mystery.
An easy, fun read with lots of follow-ons: After Dunkirk by Lee Jackson. Part 1 of a WWII historical fiction series.
A studious and interesting study. Excellent reading. Jefferson's Godfather, the Man Behind the Man: George Wythe, Mentor to the Founding Fathers by Suzanne Munson. See Suzanne’s appearance on the P4B here.
New on the List
The Winds of War by Herman Wouk This the first in a two part epic. Like After Dunkirk, it is a WWII historical fiction. But it is a much deeper dive. Very well written. You will get lost in it. I will do a complete review here later. But I’ll cut to the chase…*****