Before I launch, we have a very special guest coming in the next few weeks. Suzanne Munson is the author of two books. Jefferson's Godfather, the Man Behind the Man: George Wythe, Mentor to the Founding Fathers AND The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson: A Medium Channels The Founding Father. I am reading the latter right now.
Suzanne has a fascinating take on both men. The conversation will be very interesting, and at times quite a departure from the punch and move style of the P4B.
We’ll sit for an interview next week. The episode will drop a few days later. I’m pretty amped about the show.
Well, friends and neighbors, the puppet was delivered to the stage by Dr. Jill, as ordered. The old bag o’ bones delivered a speech so low, even I couldn’t have predicted it.
I don’t have seven hours to comment and you don’t have that much time to read it, but that’s how long it would take to pick apart the detailed crap featured in Biden’s assigned speech last night. So I’ll hit the highlights, which all took place in the gutter.
I was bowling and having dinner with family at the time of the speech. I was catching this circus, in small segments. I laughed out loud, in the bowling alley when the puppet put himself on the same plain as Washington, and as predicted here, implied the mini riot was a threat to everything the soldiers at Valley Forge fought for.
I don’t know which is more repugnant; the cabal sending Joe out to say such things, or that there are millions of rubes “out there” who believe, or pretend to believe it. I suppose it must be the latter. The Left has spewed buckets of crap like this for two generations. They specialize in vilifying EVERYONE who dares to disagree. I fully expected last night to be a hate session. I wonder how many will actually swallow the sewage.
I guess the biggest whopper and funniest laugh line of the night was when Joe said that he and Jill attended the funerals of the police officers who died on January 6th. One can safely assume Cornpop and the guy who got Joe his Naval Academy appointment were in attendance as well. It was also the lowest moment in any presidential speech - EVER. Not only did zero cops die that day, but the people who wrote the speech and sent the puppet out to spew it, KNOW zero cops died that day. No cops ever died as the result of the mini riot.
Before moving on, let me explain the term mini riot. Some people think when I say that it is in an effort to excuse the behavior of the crowd and some of the panicky cops that day. It’s not. It is a term used to contrast that event with the two years of rioting and looting (ALL MANUFACTURED RAGE) eluded to in the previous podcast.
I listened, as Joe listed the numbers of people who have been imprisoned as a result of Jan 6. He was BOASTING! Over 1000 arrested? There were NOT, at any time, 1000 people involved in any kind of violence or vandalism. Just under 1000 “convictions”? People are doing many months or even years for “parading” and “disorderly conduct”. There are people in jail TODAY, who were approaching the areas of the Capitol building where NO VIOLENCE or even a good commotion had taken place and were utterly bewildered to find Capitol Police waving them into the building! Many of these people were charged with “parading” through the Most Holy of Holies (the pretty building where our political whores work).
Biden’s line about his inauguration was rich with irony. “The streets were LINED with National Guard to prevent another ‘attack’.” Well, Joe, if Nancy Pelosi or the Mayor of the dump we call our Capitol had taken DONALD TRUMP’S recommendation to deploy the National Guard, days before Jan 6, there would have been NO INCIDENT to remember. Instead, knowing there were going to be trouble makers in a VERY LARGE crowd - knowing it - those cynical shrews said no Guard. And a police supervisor would be heard on Jan 6 saying, “This is bullshit! We were set up!” He shouted it twice, in fact.
And the Cabal had the puppet brag about that? 36 people killed and thousands injured by two years of REAL riots resulting in not ONE conviction, and Joe brags about the mini riot? Not a vehicle burned. Not a dumpster burned. Not a building burned, ONLY ONE ACTUAL trespasser and 4 protestors (who took no part in the fighting at all) killed on Jan 6, and THAT’S when they decide to bring the hammer down? And they see this as something to boast about? Stalin would have had more self-respect! Pol Pot might have sent congratulations.
Joe spent quite a bit of time accusing Trump of the kind of crap his handlers do on - say - Tuesday. The leadership of the entire administration, all departments especially the DOJ and DHS, along with the rest of the Democrat Party leadership are adrift. They have ALL taken leave of their senses. And they’ve succeeded in taking half the country with them (if you believe the balloting).
I thanked Joe out loud for bringing up the 81 million line. He may belive it. He’s been out to lunch for years. But the cabal who tell him what to say really think we believe that Joe is more popular then B. Hussein. Too funny.
To roll a bunch of garbage into one stinky pile, the President of the United States, in a televised speech, commented extesively on cases, all ongoing. (Rudy still has the appeals process to go through which will end up looking VERY different when the dust settles.) And Biden made conclusive assertions. Many of you are too young to remember the shitstorm Nixon started by saying he thought Charles Manson was “guilty as hell”. He damn near blew the case out of the water. And Manson didn’t represent half the United States electorate. ALL the comments made by Biden regarding legal actions, occurring as we speak, were vindictive and unforgivably irresponsible.
But that’s part of the plan, isn’t it? To get both sides angry and possibly violent.
Last point. The puppet said he was quoting Trump saying “I will be a dictator on day one.” Joe added to the gravity of the quote saying himself, “He wasn’t kidding. No joke.” But millions saw the statement. Trump said, “Just on day one,” referring to all the executive orders the Cabal has issued or eliminated by fiat. And he laughed and repeated, “Just on day one.” Yes, he was employing humorous irony. I am pretty sure even Joe knows his characterization was a lie… but…well, maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he really is that far gone.