Mask Hysteria: Moving the Goal Posts
It would be swell if the politicians would stop moving the goal posts. But they can't. They haven't gotten Trump out of office yet. And Congress keeps announcing more and more money is to be doled out. So, too bad for you. We need to keep everything screwed up at least through November.
Part 7
Well, we were first told that we just needed a few weeks of downtime to “flatten the curve” on COVID then we could open back up. A hospital ship was dispatched to New York and emergency hospitals facilities were set up in strategic areas to help hospitals with the overflow.
We quickly flattened the curve. But then we were told we can’t take our foot off the accelerator now. We need to stay shut down. We flattened the curve some more. The hospital ship left New York. This is around the time politicians realized they had the money and political thing going for them.
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After months of this utter nonsense we started to talk about reopening. The damage done to the economy by this time was immense. But it seemed even the politicians were getting it. They warned that when we opened back up, there would be surges in positives reported. The availability of testing was also unmasking more cases as well. Only the wimpiest of political hacks were talking of shutting back down again.
So across the country small businesses started ordering supplies, this included small restaurants (they don’t get a do over). We opened up and…OH MY GOD! THE NUMBERS ARE GOING UP!
Across the country restaurants that had barely held on through the pretend quarantine, now with refrigerators full of perishables they put precious money into, would only to see them spoil again. Half the country went back to cowering under the bed.
Supply chains across the country were once again disrupted. 39% of businesses closed by the virus now report they will never open again.
This has been our precursor to steal us against the next flu season. I can’t wait to see how much weaker and more stupid we become as a nation when the flu and COVID are floating around.
Here’s the good news.
I never come with just the problem. I bring solutions as well. Not that they will be implemented. Politicians are too selfish and amoral to do what is actually right. Just look at the wealth wasted on ideas that did nothing for anyone for more than a week at a time. And they want to do more of the same. The GOP wants to print money and the Dems want to fund pet social projects. None of it will save a single life from COVID. Not one.
But here’s the correct course of action: Send the hospital ship back to New York. Send one to LA. Open field hospitals and emergency treatment centers, strategically, all over the country. In the meantime, open everything. EVERYTHING.
Next we'll discuss whether civil disobedience may be in order here.