Nehlen v Ryan, Kahn v Trump and Other Stinkers
Keep your eye on this Nehlen guy. He is demonstrating, honestly and accurately, how Ryan and his ilk play bitch to "progressives" to make their own incumbency easier to protect.
This and more...
Why So Quiet?
A friend mentioned that I'd gone quite quiet recently. Indeed I have written more in my travel blog than I have Street Politics.
The reason is that the bullshit is piling up so fast on the political front, I can barely keep up with it. With people like Trump and Clinton, where do you begin?
But I'll do better.
Let's Dump Ryan and Others!
Things seem to be going poorly for Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan up in cheese country. It seems the folks in Wisconsin are thinking less about the imaginary status having the Speaker as your congressman provides. They are starting to listen to a new-comer, Paul Nehlen. Nehlen's resume would indicate he is a smart man. His policy positions are straight-forward. Many of Ryan's positions are similar, though throttled by inanities and loaded with wiggle room. Nehlen doesn't seem to give himself such room to slither around in.
The truth is, Ryan is every bit the sellout his mentor, John Boehner was. He is utterly disinterested in anything that requires real effort on his part, if it doesn't lead to political dollars and re-election. He is certainly not a conservative! Ryan and his ilk in congress, both houses, have become a national embarrassment.
I'm getting a kick out of listening to all the RINOs now crying that Trump won't endorse them. Personally, I think it is suicide on Trump's part to not tout all Republicans down the line. He would be smarter not to say a single negative thing about another Republican (Chapter 17). But he can't help himself. He is not a bright man. Trump does nuance the way a gorilla would do ballet. Still, to people like Ryan, who said Trump shouldn't be nominated now whining for his approval is proof that they are not worthy of the offices they seek.
Let's all send $5.00 to Nehlen and make noise on Facebook and Twitter. Let's encourage our friends in Wisconsin to do the right thing and dump Paul Ryan. Let's get rid of McCain while we're at it.
Whitman Endorses BJ Bill's Wife! Hah!
If Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of NJ, were still a viable entity in politics, this might rile me more. But it rings of a pathetic has-been exercising her immature urge to shock, and so gain notice.
So Christie, you don't like Trump. Join the club. The line is long and distinguished. But at one time you claimed to have at least SOME principles by which you lived your life. In this race, you have a serial felon, a reality TV clown and a successful two-term governor, Republican when he served.
Everything Hillary Clinton stands for, except for a few social issues (which should mean little to a TRUE conservative - Chapter 4) are the very antithesis of what you made your life's work. Aside from being the most corrupt politician in the last 100 years, beating even FDR, she would preside over the continued deterioration of the U.S. economy. She would draw power unto herself, without a thought of laws or ethics.
Trump...? Who the hell knows what he stands for? His campaign spends every day trying to explain the stupid thing he said yesterday. As of last weekend, Trump forgot the Russians had taken half of Ukraine. So, for not endorsing him, you are forgiven.
But then you have Gary Johnson. He does share positions on some of your social issues. He likely differs on some other issues as well. I know I disagree with his stand on the military and immigration. But he isn't an idiot and he isn't a felon. And he was a successful governor; more so than you were.
Have you no dignity, Ms Whitman? Did you actually endorse someone who is a standing insult to everything this country is because you both have vaginas. Were you stupid enough to buy into that con job? Here's a thought. Why don't you get together with Hillary and Barbara Streisand and their Democrat friends and form the Vagina Party? Or would that just be redundant?
Trump vs Khan
If you wait long enough, all the smelly shit eventually oozes out, doesn't it? I will dispense with the now cliche preface of "Sorry for your loss". It has been said so many times this week it has lost its meaning, even to the Khan clan. So there we were, watching the couple who lost a son in war 12 years ago. that son was said by Larry Sabato to be a good man and a top-notch soldier. If Sabato says it, I believe it. So the greater the tragedy it is. We need good men like him.
Lo and behold, the Clinton campaign plucks this couple from obscurity. It seems Khizr Khan sees the banning of Muslims from this country (a false flag, a straw argument) bothers him because his Muslim son died for this country. We watch as Mr. Khan pulls out his pocket Constitution and scolds Trump on not understanding what is written there.
Sigh, sniff.
But there are some problems here. We can simply mention that the Constitution makes absolutely no prohibition against a congress or a president throttling immigration in any way they chose, certainly not against the same officials using immigration restrictions as a means of security! I'd be more comfortable if the immigration moratorium were simply expressed in terms of geography, leaving people's personal superstitions aside. But their is still no constitutional restriction even there.
The second problem lies in the Latin question, cui bono? Whenever something smells funny, like a speaker at a Democrat convention pulling out a pocket Constitution, you should always think of that question; cui bono? Pocket Constitutions are punchlines in Tea Party jokes. "Progressives" going all the way back to Woodrow Wilson have chafed at the Constitution. They insult those who stand by it because it restricts their ability to "manage" the population and all their activities as "progressives" fit.
I knew Khan was a stage prop, but where was the benefit for him? Fifteen minutes of fame?
Well! It turns out Khan is a long-time associate of Hillary Clinton with a motive to advance her ambitions and thereby his own. Khan is also an immigration lawyer. He makes lots of money gaming the system to get green cards for people. The influx of hundreds of thousand of refugees from unknown, unverifiable dung heaps, Clinton's plan, would channel millions of dollars worth of business to Khan's law firm.
Okay, show of hands; who doesn't think the deal from Clinton was, "you give me a good speech and get me some mileage and I will make sure you are overrun with Syrian, Yemeni and Iraqi clients. We will instruct INS to direct them to you."
If anyone doubts that, if anyone thinks Khan dragged his wife onto that stage without a solid quid pro quo, you need to go outside and slam your car door on your head several times. It won't do you any good. But it feels good to picture you doing it.
As for Trump, he was stupid to engage. But since he can't help himself, his handlers should have taught him a better approach. It would have been smarter still if he had waited. He could have beaten Khan over the head with this information and accused him of whoring his own son's death for financial gain which, of course, he did!
Gary Johnson, are you listening? This is your chance. Speak up. Get in the news cycle. Controversy is good, so long as you are on the side of honesty.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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