Nooooo! That's NOT what I meant!
Yesterday, I wrote that this was the perfect time for third candidate in the general election. Today I wake to find the Romney is trying to talk John Kasich into being that third candidate! Nooooo! Do these guys actively try to find ways to keep the country off track?
Don't get me wrong. Kasich seems like a very nice man. But as a "Republican" and a "Conservative" he is the very same poison that has led to the emergence of a semi-articulate clown as the Republican nominee. He would also have the effect of peeling off very few voters, and all of them from Trump. That is because he is as boring as dry toast. He will not draw a following away from the Democrats.
No, dummies. The whole point of running a third party/independent is to get rid of Clinton and Trump and at the same time put a man in place who will thwart the Four Morons! The Four Morons will abet Trump or Clinton, both of whom think it is the President's job to "run the country".
We need a President who will shame Congress into doing their job and not one who will appoint federal judges who believe in safe spaces and the tooth fairy.
At the moment, there are only two viable candidates who can do that: Ted Cruz and Gary Johnson. Johnson has the greatest chance of pulling from both parties, but both could conceivably reach the 30%+ threshold to at least deny the election to Trump/Clinton.
Mitt, I went easy on you when you first stuck your foot in it this year. But it is time for you to shut up! Your good intentions won't be worth a bucket of poop with Clinton sitting in the White House.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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