Oil and Gas Exports: The World Needs Us
From the Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Finally, we have to consider being, once again, a net exporter of energy.
We were under that terrible Orange Man. I know, I know. Orange Man bad. Shut up, sissy!
Are you serious about Ukraine? Are you serious about weaning Europe off Russian oil and gas?
It’s a fair pair of questions.
I mean, we screwed Ukraine out of the NATO membership Obama and Lugar, and others, dangled to get them to disarm. We obviously don't think much of them So, of what value is Ukraine, right?
Well, I’ll tell you. They are one of the largest net exporter of critical food stuffs on the planet. And Putin is one of the most unstable world leaders since Hitler. I don’t hear GOP people saying enough about how he took his invasion of Ukraine, including Crimea and parts of Georgia, right out of Hitler’s playbook. He copied the Little Corporal's script right down to the words he used to justify the invasions. He was saving Russian-speaking people in the countries he invaded. Just like Hitler was saving German-speaking people in Czechoslovakia and Poland and Austria, etc, etc...
So yes, a stable, free Ukraine is important. However, it is clear Congress and the White House pursued this issue without the serious consideration it deserved.
Had the White House NOT telegraphed what it would and would not sanction; had they NOT allowed Putin and his wretched cronies time to move their assets; had they made it financially impossible for Putin to sell oil, the war would have never been fought. But Brandon, on all these issues, FAILED- miserably. The little Russian jerk off must have been giggling during the weeks leading to the actual invasion. He even hesitated in the final days as if doubting even Biden was actually this weak and stupid.
In my humble opinion, Biden did this intentionally. Who cares if Ukrainians die? We have a new shiny object! We can milk this thing for years!
Congress, with more than a little GOP support, has been throwing money at Ukraine with no adult controls built in. We need to find out how stable and IN CONTROL Zelensky really is. A free Ukraine is the point, right? But if Zelensky is just a puppet, what have we gained?
All that prologue leads to this: the bleed over. Right now, the little Russian jerk off is, once again, throttling energy to Europe. He is trying to divide the alliance to bolster his adventures in Ukraine. And as I see it we have two choices.
We tell Putin to turn off his undersea pipelines now and bleed them dry, because we are going to drop depth charges on them, unless he keeps it open. If he doesn’t he won’t have a pipeline next year….OR
This one is actually an and/or suggestion. We ratchet up our oil and natural gas production to near a wartime footing and start shipping fleets of oilers and LNG ships to Eastern Europe and Germany.
We should be doing a good bit of the latter anyway. It’s just good business. But if you want to swat both flies with one swipe, this is a good plan. We MUST also freeze any assets we have reach into which allow Putin to export oil and gas.
But we need to start pounding away at this NOW! To wait until January, assuming you follow my advice and win, would be pathetic. Have a recognized “moderate” from his Senate days meet with Brandon to make this work. Biden said himself, in the wretched speech in Philly, that he can work with "moderate" Republicans. Let him prove it. Maybe one of his old buddies can teach him to man up.
The real benefit to the American taxpayers is that we will live in an energy independent country. Our nation will be a net exporter of energy. It gives us strength, prosperity and leverage. And the world, despite the continued presence of Brandon, can stop laughing at us. They need what we have. And we need our allies.