Pansy Rants vs Real Violence
Are These Pansy Rants Supposed To Be Helpful?
I have a thousand chores to complete here. I have two posts I promised my friend, Kathleen. I am almost ready to launch my membership writers’ program. And the furniture business is not going to stand itself up. BUT…I saw this post on Facebook the other day and I just cannot let it go by without comment. It is too mindless and too indicative of what we have descended to in the course of four weeks – not that we were in such a great place to begin with.
First, let me say that I have no skin in who won the election. I voted for Cruz in the primary and Darrell Castle in the general.
But to listen to the Donald Trump cult, you’d think we just solved all the countries problems with one election. The fact is there is STILL no indication we’ve solved anything. Trump is the same Twitter Twat I said he was a year and a half ago. His idea of free trade is protectionism (for the truly slow, that’s not free trade and is counterproductive).
Also, for Trump to look at an issue and take the opposite view of Obama, simply because it is the opposite of Obama, is not a demonstration of clear thinking. But that is how I would characterize his stands on issues like Russia and Israel. There are very good reasons to disagree with BHO on these issues. I disagree with him. But Trump announces his disagreement without a reasoned argument. That is left to his apologists after he tweets out the cards he’s holding.
And yet...
That said, all the hysterical fear about Trump has, so far, been farcical. There is a reason why you don’t hear about all the incidents of Trump supporters running wild and beating up gays, and minorities and shooting illegal aliens. The reason is that it is not happening. And it won’t happen. At least it won’t if the members of the opposing cult would kindly calm the fuck down!
Look at the meme above. It is the most egregious pile of self-righteous shit I’ve seen in a long time. And that comes after an election year loaded with self-righteous shit. The drama queens who think like this are the main problem we face right now.
Here’s just a short list of why going back to November.
And the problem isn’t going away. This is what we were treated to this week.
Who, I ask you, contributes, at least rhetorically, to the actions of these subhuman, unworthy pieces of crap? And who, among those who would look at the meme above and shed a tear, has come out and condemned the skanks who did it? So far, I haven’t seen the Hollywood pansies who cried all over the airwaves about Trump for the last two months say anything. Your silence is your acquiescence. For you, it’s kinda okay. I mean the abusers did hate Trump and all, so there’s that anyway.
The fact is the supposedly “peace-loving, kind-hearted, socially evolved, open-minded” persons who say they hate all the exaggerated characterizations of Trump are the people who will likely be the greatest impediment to our society doing what is has done since 1791. That is to accept the political realities of an election and engage as supporters of the present powers or stand as the loyal opposition.
Instead we get this.
Intellectual Dishonesty
“I am not mad at you that Hillary Clinton lost…,” the post reads. Liar! The author of this thing is the equal opposite of the Trump cult followers. Their cult lost. They are furious!
Here’s how the election shakes out. About 30-35% of the country, very early on, dove in for Trump or Clinton. There was nothing anyone could say to sway them. ANY disagreement toward either was called “hate”. The media fanned these flames every day from June of ’15 until November of ’16.
The remaining 65-70% of the country paid little attention to it all. But, as a result of their obtuseness and apathy, in the end, they were left with a choice between the two worst candidates ever fielded for the Oval Office. As it turned out, just enough people in just enough states decided that Trump was the less disgusting person. They held their noses and voted for him.
The Trump cult crowed and the Clinton cult cried. Trust me when I tell you that the rest of us, no matter who we voted for, just shook our heads and marveled at the display.
It isn’t unusual to see some crowing and crying in the day or two after an election. But this year there is a conscious effort to draw a big fat line between voters who didn’t want a felon in the White House and those who pretended she wasn’t a felon. The flames of resentment are still being fanned two months after the polls closed.
And the rhetoric, like that displayed above has gone completely over the top. “I don’t think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another…” Liar! The very hallmark of the modern, American left (and a quality the Trump cult fails to see in themselves and their candidate) is the fact that if you disagree with me, you are a bad person. You are a hater. Anything that is not of our thinking is to be insulted. The people who disagree are to be hounded. If we’re lucky, we can even ruin their ability to make a living. That is what the far left (and the Trump cult) calls victory.[1.The Trump cult is hailing Megyn Kelly’s exit from FOX as a victory. They think they got her fired. Morons. If they had been paying attention, she’s been fielding offers for a very long time. She’ll leave for an easier time slot, more money and more editorial input.]
One Can Only Shrug and Laugh
As I write this, I am amazed Scientology hasn’t had more success in this country. There are so many credulous idiots, right and left, just waiting to be taken in by feel-good bullshit.
The FB post is actually laughable in it’s portrayal of self as tolerant – “I don’t hate you because…”or “I don’t think less of you because…” It then goes on to accuse anyone who voted for Trump of being the worst form of person conceivable in this country.
So here’s the divide being created by such drivel. On one side your have those who are clearly declaring that they are incapable of moving on – “you and I won’t be ‘coming together’ to move forward or whatever” – because I am a damaged snowflake, unable to climb down from my high unicorn and confront reality like an adult.
On the other side you have the Billy Bobs who think Trump critics are such because they “hate” Trump. These guys, in their ignorance of economics, think Trump will make America great again by taxing companies into doing what he wants and risking trade wars. They think the Donald is conservative. They think tweeting what you think on every issue is a good idea. They also think his tweets make sense. Now, that’s actually funny.
Fortunately, as I said previously, a good 70% of the people, likely more, are not participating in the post election idiocy. You might not know it looking at social media. That's only because the 30% are more vocal and strident on their complaints and criticisms.
But if I ever had to choose between the two camps, I’ll stand with Billy Bob. He may be dumber than a bag of hammers, but at least he’s trying.