See?!?! This is Why I Can't Have Nice Things!
It's been reported that there is, yet again, an activity and some tools that people are employing for pleasure which have the added benefit of helping them end an unhealthy relationship with something harmful. And here's the worst part; they are doing it on their own without supervision and taxation, beyond sales tax, of the government! This must not stand. There is no justification for anyone to do anything that isn't controlled and limited by the imperial nanny state and its self-important, nosey, insecure busybodies.
The independent press, what little is left of it, is already criticizing the important steps local governments are taking to put these individualists under the loving thumb of the state, as they should be.
Here's an example of dangerous people advocating independent behavior. It should be noted that none of this was ever a White House talking point and is therefore unauthorized! You are permitted to watch it, but you are not permitted to think and must fall back on government approved information as soon as the video is over.
Crazy haters who hate the good people who know more about everything than you do.
This whole e-cigarette craze is doomed to fail because it lacks many important elements of the kinds of successful programs Big Brother, er…uh, the United States Government and all those cute little, pretend state and local governments have forced into your lives for your own good. First, there is not enough law surrounding it. The Dodd-Frank bill, which took over the financial segment of our economy is a 1200 page law, tens of thousands of pages of regulations and costs employers billions of dollars in compliance (Good! We hate rich people anyway. And what have those mean corporations ever done for us anyway?). The new immigration bill, designed to create cheap labor for weak-kneed republican populists and voting slaves for morally bankrupt democrat populists, is 1700 pages long. Obamacare, designed to end quality health insurance as we know it, is 2700 pages long. Two of those pages actually deal with health CARE. The rest is about placing power with the government where it belongs. It has already spawned nearly 30,000 pages of exquisite regulation that will keep those stupid, out-of-control doctors and insurers too busy complying to exploit the poor people of the nation.
What follows is beyond treachery. While the lion-hearted mayor of New Amsterdam, Nanny Bloomberg fought for the banning of e-cigarettes in public places, cars, homes, sewers, etc., Bloomberg news (THE SAME NAME AS HIS HOLINESS) has an independent thinker actually talking on a TV program. And the hosts are not banning or insulting her!
Warning: Contains information which may lead to free decision making.
Do you remember the debate about how guns independently leap out of their boxes, load themselves and kill people? We were told to be frightened by the semi-automatic assault weapons. (I know there is no such thing. That's not the point.) Even though they can't fire like a machine gun, they kinda look like one. And that's scary! The guts are the same as any hunting or plinking rifle of the same calibre, but it is how you feel that counts; not pertinent facts. Well, if all of that doesn't give you the vapors, look at this!
Clearly, this product has been designed and marketed in such way as to be attractive to its end user; the, forgive my course language, individual. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Because I said so. I am with the government and I am here to make you afraid.
And this from a doctor; see if he ever gets any Obamacare money!
F*** your facts! The government wants more control over you.
Let's get down to brass tacks. It's with big laws that the government finances the tens of thousands of little laws we use to tax you and punish you. This e-cigarette thing has the potential of being really big. And the government needs your money! Hey, cutting pay and benefits from the military and taxing medical device manufacturers only puts so much in our pocket. We need more. We've colluded with real cigarette companies for a century now. We approve and handle their product and allow their market, while taxing the b'jesus out of YOU. We say where you can smoke and make you pay for ever more pointless changes to the packaging and it's still not enough. We don't care that wrecking this new concept will encourage people to continue smoking regular cigarettes. We owe more favors to Marlboro than we do to some mom and pop vapor store. By regulating and taxing the shit out of both houses, we get more of what we want; money and regulatory power, the latter which ultimately means more money. We don't care if nobody actually quits smoking. We don't have to. We are the government. And if you don't see things our way, you are not patriotic.
Disclaimer for the truly slow: The author doesn't wish to see the electronic cigarette interfered with by the government. They F-up EVERYTHING they touch. Lot's of people will walk away from traditional cigarettes using this technology. It follows that the e-cig popularity will eventually die off. If Big Brother starts getting its incompetent fingers into the mix, people won't go to all the work of using these things while paying as much as they do for real smokes right now. They'll just keep smoking. We have to be careful what we are encouraging.