Oh, Susan Rice! What Are We To Do With You?
Susan, Susan, Susan! Once again, the Obama Administration used Susan Rice and an official arm of the government as a political goon squad. Like the IRS, the Justice Department and the FBI earlier, Barrack Obama turned the NSA loose on the Trump campaign. And once again, as was the case with the myths Obama and Clinton were advancing about Benghazi, Susan Rice was sent out to do the dirty work. Can you imagine the conversation leading up to that? Clinton Campaign Goon: We have to make use of whatever we have on these people. If we can’t derail the campaign, we can at least discredit the next administration. White House Goon: Well, we do have recordings of Flynn sounding mighty cozy with the Russians. CCG: Great! Let’s get it out there! WHG: Hmmm. That could be difficult. It’s illegal and dangerous to “out” Americans from an investigation on foreignors. CCG: What? Are you some kind of pussy? WHG: No! Not at all. We just have to give POTUS deniability. I mean he didn’t think twice about turning the IRS and Justice on citizens. He even had a reporter declared a co-conspirator in a crime just to learn what he was doing with a story. But we need somebody to take the fall if it comes out. CCG: We need someone stupid, gullible. WHG: Exactly! Hmmmm…Let me think. [snap!] I know. Let’s get Susan Rice! She’s dumber than a bag of hammers and we’ve gotten her to do stupid things in the past. We'll tell her to find a way to out Flynn to as many low-level flunkies as possible. One of them is bound to leak it. CCG: Great idea! No one will ever find out! And even if they do, we smoke up the news coverage and the whole thing will eventually go away! Presently, we watch the theater with Ryancare being dumped and “investigations” into the Russians doing what all countries do to each other. We watch the Dems putting up a phony stink about Gorsuch. In the meantime, the real story of the previous president once again having used his office to spy on American citizens for purely political gain gets a pass almost everywhere. Which shiny object will you be watching when Obama gets away with it again? Matt Jordan is host of streetpolitics.us and author of Street Politics: It Ain't Your Daddy's GOP Anymore! Grab your copy here and support a good cop in his battle with Multiple Sclerosis! 50% of all author proceeds go to Sheriff's Lt. Jeff Kerr and the Colonial Crossroads charity event.