The crybaby socialist topping the polls.
Well, it looks as though all the FB proles who have been loosing bowel control over a conspiracy between FOX News and Rubio will have to look elsewhere for excitement. From the end of the debate until now, FOX had replayed again and again how the fat man handled the little Cuban and have repeatedly reported that Rubio had his worst debate performance yet.
Fortunately, if you are looking for a real story of networks in bed with candidates, you needn't travel far afield to find it. Yesterday, the New Hampshire Union Leader, the premiere newspaper in the "Granite State", was informed that they were uninvited to the GOP debate. Why? Because Trump wanted it that way. You see, he had been crying to the network that the Union Leader was mean and disrespectful of his greatness in that they had officially endorsed Christie. ABC for its part is one of the liberal outlets carrying Trump so they can have a big, stupid, easy target to tear up in the general election. So, in order to placate Trump and prevent him from saying something even more inane than usual, notified the Union Leader that it had no seat at the debate.
This is doubly ironic, and highly indicative of the aspersions I cast, in that the same network, pretending to have high standards, stood on ceremony and kept Fiorina out of the debate based on poll numbers. In doing so, they ignored her outperforming two other candidate and expectations in Iowa, and coming in even with Christie. And we’re talking with real votes, not polls. So much for integrity.
One final twist; during the debate, Trump interrupted Bush when Bush was answering a question. It happens, no biggee. But then Trump barreled on through, telling Bush to be quiet. In any other debate you’d have at least heard the moderator (even on CNN): “Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump, Governor Bush has the floor,” or words to the effect. That may not have quieted someone as ignorant as Trump, but the attempt would have been made and the moderators would have done their due diligence. But NBC’s people were clearly out to carry the dork.
So the conspiracy nuts now have something to cry about if they want it. I would love to think the Trump-ettes might finally start to see past the fact that they, and reporters carrying Trump, are always left to explain his populist, nonsensical drivel. It would be great of they could just realize the crybaby would not be anywhere if not for their constant rationalization and apologies. Is there hope of that? Is there a chance they will see that Trump’s most strident positions are as socialist as Sanders’?
I feel more confident the pajama boys who were crying about Rubio/FOX may finally push a firm stool than I do the Trump-ettes (the 2016 version of the Obama Kool-Aid drinkers) will take off the blinders and grow up.
…and blindly they follow, never questioning, never challenging.
Well, we can only soldier on.
Uh-oh! I just scored this essay against the Flesch-Kinkaid scale. It scores an eighth reading level. It’s almost certain most Trump-ettes won’t understand it. Sorry guys. I made it as basic as I possibly could.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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