So often over the last 5 decades we’ve watched trends start in California, prove themselves to be utterly worthless, and then spread across the country. Among the latest are the trans fads, homeless policies, soft crime policies and now, energy insanity.
Their energy policies failed, miserably. Now Brandon’s puppeteers can’t get those idiotic ideas going across the nation fast enough.
I’ve cross posted a video here. Watch it. It is documented.
I warned you about the “Inflation Reduction Act”. I told you it had nothing in it that would reduce inflation. Ironically, the aspect of it we will discuss today will be wildly inflationary across the entire economy. Remember, you heard it here first.
I showed you on The Revolt when Al Gore made a truth poopie and said the quiet part out loud, telling his fellow Davos cultists the Inflation Reduction Act was in fact a Climate Change bill. His speech was hilarious. Scroll down at this link to see it and hear the admission here. I think it’s pretty early in his tirade, after the hostess finally finishes stroking him.
One of the key points in the video here (the entire video contains critical information) is the idea of destroying productive plants quickly and ealry before building the replacement energy.
I draw two conclusions form this:
They know the wind mills are going to be a huge dud. Germany is learning that bitter lesson now. They need to soak us for hundreds of billions now. Then when the manufactured emergency settles in they will soak us for trillions. And they will build these huge, ugly, unreliable toys all over our most beautiful vistas. Then they’ll admit they failed.
Why? I’ll tuck that answer into my weekly podcast.
They want no recourse. They are destroying the coal plants the way Cortez burned his ships but for different reasons. Cortez was determined to succeed. These clowns know they will failOnce their failure is obvious, they want us to have no coal plants or even gas plants to restart. Germany was smart enough to keep some plants around and has recently reastarted them. THEY HAD TO! But we are being denied that escape route - pre-emptively!
There is a great deal more on offer here so don’t take a pass on it. And yes, it’s Glenn Beck. Many will say he’s too political or he’s too religious ( I do) or he’s too geeky. Put those fallacious arguments in your sock for a little while and learn. His research team and documentation are always the best.
And just to put the cherry on top. Brandon is out saying he will tax gas and oil companies more while destroying them. Only in DC. You can let this happen. Hey, it’s your funeral. I chose to fight.