I just started a couple of projects.
January 6th, as seen by an honest adult.
The first is deep dive into the 1/6 videos. Early on, ta few things are clear. The actions by police initiated the violent confrontation. That’s not to say there wouldn’t have been one otherwise, but protestors who were doing everything from standing there talking to each other, to flipping off the cops, to shouting, had pellet grenades and flash-bangs thrown at them. Totally pointless and unhelpful.
The wild “insurrectionists”, at least twice, stopped pushing and shouting so people injured by the police could be given first aid and carried out by police and protestors.
The scenario was FULLY orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi and the heads of the Capitol Police. The National Guard was made available to protect the Capitol and that was also recommended by Trump days before the mini riot. The suggestion was made to bring them in to assist when the crowd started to get loud and angry and constrained in alcoves. The Guard was refused again.
Pelosi, et al, put the police and civilians in danger by not going with the obvious call. I believe that is what a police scene supervisor meant when he was saying, “This is bullshit. We were set up,” more than once.
There are two, and only two conclusions you can draw from this. Nancy and the Chief of the Capitol Police were unforgivably stupid in their preparations for 1/6. OR they are twisted, lowlife political whores who were happy for the outcome. McConnell is also responsible as Senate majority leader at the time. But he is as feckless as he is chinless. He only knows, or cares about how to keep his own chair. Pelosi on the other hand is a devious shrew.
We can put the “Trump led the insurrection” bullshit to bed permanently, since the confrontation started while Trump was still speaking on the other end of the mall.
A side note from the early videos:
Every time I hear political whores and other douche bags comparing 1/6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, I am reminded what unethical and shallow creatures we have representing us. Anyone who voted for these people ought to be ashamed of themselves. Journalists who say such things shouldn’t have jobs!
More to follow.
My soon-to-be perfect mind.
I know, who’s to say it’s not perfect already? It is rather remarkable.
I have two books open right now. One is The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani.
One of the first steps in the process is to embrace your quest. So I’ve done that. I will fight the Davos/WEF Cult on every front. I’ve been doing so already. But now I intend to concentrate fire on every pronouncement they make.
We’ll still have other topics and have fun episodes. But my work now centers around wringing every vestige of Schwab, Gates, Kerry and that knob, Al Gore out of the American political zoo. Life is hard enough without these wretched creatures nosing into our lives.
Join me in this quest.
A possible change up.
I am considering breaking up the weekly podcast into a few smaller ones every few days. This will be a big shift and will require a lot of work, so your input about what you prefer would be appreciated.