Update: When I first posted this I was not aware of the reason the first tranche of Twitter releases seemed so sterile. The reason, the FBI guy inside Twitter, has been fired and the releases are starting to spice up a bit.
Although the Twitter dump turned out to be much more watery than it could have been, I was pleased to see Matt Taibbi was tapped to bring it out. He has been on the Government/Social Media censorship cooperation for some time. I listened to an interview between him and Megyn Kelly on 28 April 2022. He had always suspected the Cronies in Social Media were working in concert with the government to stifle dissent. But then he happened across the evidence.
He was doing a story about content challenges generally when YouTube blew the lid, finally, off of what we all already knew.
This is a quote from that interview:
We've already seen that they will go to extraordinary lengths to have information that's online - We've seen in the six years that there's been pretty remarkable cooperation between the Senate, between bodies like the CDC and the FDA and platforms like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter. I mean, I did a story randomly, about a podcaster who was having trouble with YouTube. And when I called [YouTube] for comment about what they decided was - how they decided was misinformation and what wasn't, they just told me outright that they made these decisions in consultation with federal agencies.
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That was the first admission I ever heard, perhaps the first public admission, that Social Media had been commandeered by the US Government to carry out censorship operations on behalf of a political party or a candidate.
Tonight's data dump by Twitter is just verification of what we've known all along, but couldn't write about on the government social media sites.