Uh-Oh! Polio! Where did that come from?
Welcome Back Polio!
Be sure to check out the link at the end of the post. I wrote this over a year ago. Things are MUCH worse since.
Did you know Polio has been detected in New York? Polio, f**king POLIO! But, we eradicated that generations ago, right? So where might it be coming from? Hmmmm. Wait a moment! Could it be coming in with the millions of illegal aliens invading our country, encouraged by the Democrat Party? Is that even knowable? These people are herded across the border, handed directly from the Cartels to our Border Patrol, and dispersed with absolutely NO controls whatsoever? Could that possibly the case?
Should we even have to ask such questions? In a civilized nation of laws, the question wouldn’t even come up. Our laws require a person to go through the proper channels to come here. And there are other steps that must be taken to stay here. But who worries about pesky laws?
Certainly not the modern Democrat Party. They and their allies, the drug cartels in Mexico, have money to make and power to cling to. So to hell with your damn laws, we’ll just do what we please and say it is because the existing laws need to be reformed.
Did you get that? We POLITICIANS will actively encourage the breaking of laws, saying that the laws need to be reformed. The very people, who are charged with making laws, don’t lift a finger to create the very reforms THEY claim are needed. They just DISOBEY existing law and encourage others to do the same.
That should be how the GOP is couching its message about the border crisis. And as I have said in earlier installments, start talking about action steps you will take NOW. Dump the poll-tested phrases. They are designed to keep you out of the limelight. Speak plainly and boldly and dive head first INTO the limelight!
Close the border! It’s almost embarrassing to have to list that as a step. But the playtime is over!
Finish the wall.
Start enforcing deportation laws. Tell illegals in no uncertain terms to get their affairs in order. If an illegal is caught in a traffic stop, he gets on a plane to his country of origin. If he has kids and wants to take them along, fine. If he wants to leave them, he needs to have a plan in place NOW. He or she is leaving regardless.
It’s time we recognize parental responsibility in this situation. The Left will say these poor people are too stupid to be held responsible for the welfare of their children. If they brought their kids here, we are responsible for the kids. NO, we’re not. The parents are.
But won’t the kids just end up as wards of the state, if left behind? Maybe. But if you’re an illegal, working under the table, you’re collecting welfare too. That scam is as common as air. So many of the kids are already wards of the state, financially.
Many will say that these people coming across are poor, starving families fleeing corruption. Have you SEEN the videos of these people? 70% male, almost all adults. And few, if any look the least bit hungry. Many are fatter than me. And I’m fat.
The respective Central American governments don’t care about these illegals one way or another. The illegals weren’t in Guatemala or anywhere else in the world, fighting the good fight, and then fleeing for their lives. They’re looking for a pay raise.
Wait! There’s More!
End the illegal sanctuary concept. This is not Medieval Europe and San Francisco is certainly not a church. If a city interferes with the enforcement of immigration laws, arrest the officials thwarting ICE and charge him appropriately. This includes the mayor. Hey, if you can do it to a former president on procedural grounds, you can certainly arrest a mayor for supporting drug cartels in Mexico.
If you leave sanctuary cities in place then you MUST allow Texas and Arizona enact any form of anti-immigrant policies they wish and let them carry them out. If Sacramento can harbor illegals in conflict with federal law, then Texas can completely secure its own borders without interference from the federal government.
Enforce laws regarding the hiring of illegals. Better yet, make them tougher. Outlaw renting to illegals. Make it uncomfortable for them to be here. These people are not as pathetic and stupid as the Left wants you to believe. If they sense a hassle, they won’t come. Make being an illegal a major hassle. Take away the goodies. And certainly start by dis-enrolling illegals from Social Security. You will then see, on a scale even Mitt Romney couldn’t have envisioned, self-deportation. Again, these people are not stupid. If life here sucks they’ll go back. Make life suck for illegals.
In coming episodes of this series you’re going to see that we will have a number of IRS and FBI agents looking for work. Hire them to investigate, infiltrate and break up the gangs that profit from human trafficking. Make life for these, and any gangs for that matter, horrible. You’ll have the manpower. We’re going to free them up with other solutions to our nation’s ills. There are lot's of details about this in my book also.
Anticipate the straw argument
The talking heads on TV will say that you are going to lose the support of Hispanic voters. Yeah, the Donald put the lie to that already. While he was pushing to shut the border, his Hispanic numbers were climbing. That’s because Hispanic voters (that would be citizens of Hispanic extraction) don’t like the racist insinuation that their fortunes are tied to those of most illegals because they share similar surnames. They aren’t. I would argue that an American with a Spanish accent has needless difficulties BECAUSE of rampant illegal immigration. I mean, who’s who and how do you know?
There’s also the fact that those coming across are now from every race and ethnicity on the planet. That’s because right now they know that our government is stupid and unbelievably lazy. They know our southern border is the least secure border in existence.
They’re gonna take my libertarian card for this post. But hey, I am a libertarian, not a 12 year old Antifa poof. I think there are lots of laws that need to change. We could burn three quarters of the federal code and lives would improve. It’s why I’m here. But in a civilized society, you start by enforcing existing law. Otherwise there is no respect for ANY laws, like those for example, that protect individual rights.
And it’s time to say it again. Make all laws you push through simple, brief and clean. No earmarks and other bullshit. If we succeed in our primary mission there will be little or no need for backroom deals or arm-twisting.
Cheers. Carry on.
Things are much worse. Click here for an update.
People you should be screaming at: Find your Republican SERVANTS on this link. CALL them and tell them to get hot on this NOW! Hell, call the Dems too. You might find one or two who won't get loose stools over it.
Photo source: Bharat Express News, 16 Aug 22