Will the Smelly Cheese Stand Alone?
It's been an interesting day for political wonks.
For starters, we lost one of the few adults on the GOP side today. Rand Paul is a level-headed, honest man. He will not abandon a principal for tawdry gain. I have a lot of respect for the guy. Sadly, as I said here before, he never employed the concepts I espoused early in my magnificent political primer to find the ear and keep the attention of the voter. Sadder, those evoking the basics only found at the beginning of the book and don't go beyond that, end up looking stupid.
Ah, well. Our loss is Kentucky's continued good fortune.
Biff Tannen...ur, uh, sorry, make that Trump... is accusing the Cruz campaign of fraud for spreading rumors and using dubious flyers to win Iowa. This coming from the man who has adult males, living in their mom's basements across the country, worried that Cruz is Canadian.
Howdy Dootie has left the race and is endorsing Rubio. Tonight FB and Twitter will be aflame with posts from the same pajama boys mentioned above saying that Santorum, Rubio and FOX News are plotting to take over the world. Break out the foil hats.
Today it was stated by the Senate Intelligence committee that the 22 emails withheld by the State Department contained methods, operations and sources and were highly classified. Their compromise endangers national security and people. Thanks, Mrs. BJ Bill! (There is a running history of the sleaze bags antics, dealing only with her illegal server, not her dozens of other sordid activities, here. And there is much more to come. Stay tuned!)
Everybody now wants a piece of Rubio. Okay. That's fair. It's politics, right? And there is plenty to go after. He is a member of the Mitch McConnell wing of the Democratic Party. But it does demonstrate, once again, how childishly frightened these people are of Biff..er, that is...the Donald.
I have to send these candidates more books. The clearest point I can make on the subject is this: If you attack Trump, he will counter. His poll numbers may or may not rise as a result. But while you are pounding away at him and he is tweeting like a 12 year-old girl, your numbers will skyrocket. All you have to do is maintain the adult argument in a loud and insistent fashion and the sky's the limit. And, of course, always include a comparison of yourself versus BJ Bill's "wife" at every opportunity.
Those who think they will attack low-hanging fruit and then it will be just "me and Trump" are too clever by a half. So long as the rest of the field attacks the rest of the field, it will be just Trump standing in the end. It is time to show the country what a schmuck this guy really is.
And I'll say it again, no one wants to see Trump become the real thing more than I do. I would love to see him suddenly start communicating like a man who KNOWS what the hell he is talking about. I would love to see him say ANYTHING of which retarded Twitter feeds were not the source.
But so far he is just an expensive suit under a stupidĀ Flock of Seagulls hairstyle.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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