Try to wrap your head around a few points.
As has happened many times before, you have just been played for chumps. It continues in fact.
Most members of the media and the governing class are PRETENDING to freak out for the first time in four years. They are pretending to just now be finding out how lost Joe Duh is.
They saw what most of us saw going back to his 2020 campaign. Remember, the attempt at oratory which included, “All men are created equal with the…ya know…the thing,” occurred while Biden was pretending to campaign from the basement, for the election the governing class was facilitating for him.
Joe was supposed to hold out until after Chicago so the party would have an excuse to replace him by committee. (Seriously, fuck the primary voters. Who cares about them.). But Joe messed up. He went mentally dogshit too early.
Now they have to cut him loose and pretend to be shocked by the fact that he is utterly lost for the 4 to 6 hours he actually works a few days per week.
They’re not shocked. We’ve been watching it for years.
Now they will spring crazy eyes Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Hair-gel Newsome or the race-baiting, grant scammer, Big Mike Obama. That’s been in the works since 20 Jan 21. But if you want to pretend you have dignity, pretend you didn’t know it was coming either.
We listen until our eye bleed about how the Dems want to “save democracy”. PLEASE! You have not lived in a democracy, much less a representative republic since Joe inauguration.
It will be interesting to see how many Americans will be schmoozed into voting for whatever puppet is put forth by the Dems AGAIN, and how many will vote Trump and WIDE coattails. The former leads to doom the latter ends insane immigration, sanctuary cities, and restarts a REAL economy.