Okay, this is huge! When I watched this video, I could have crapped my pants. But I just had a colonoscopy so…I got nothin’. I won’t steal PZ’s thunder and go into detail. The video is GREAT.
There is an energy concept I may have mentioned many moons ago. My criticism, and it was minor, was how limited the technology WAS. It is suddenly offering real promise.
I’ve been writing substantially about our energy situation, which is about to go seriously sideways. Anyone who thinks we’re going to re-industrialize with the least dependence on wind or solar, you should go back to school for some remedial math and physics.
This is GREAT news. It’s “Greener” than Greta Thunberg without the BS and drama. It’s a steam loop (to spin generator turbines) that doesn’t burn fuel! Yes, I am in full control of my faculties. F**K WINDFARMS!
Ever the wet blanket, I’ll throw this question out to the cosmos. (I hope someone reads this post who can answer this question.) What happens to the Earth’s internal engine when absolutely everyone starts heat sinking it. No source of energy is infinite. The sun is, relatively. The sun will outlast the earth by billions of years. But our conversion of solar energy into work is inefficient to the point of being laughable; embarrasing.
With that caveat, check out the short video embedded below. If you have the least concerns about energy and life as we know it, you will do a little end zone dance.