Today is the DAY!!
By the time you see this DJT will be POTUS. 45 = 47!
Does anybody want to put on their stupid, pink pussy hats and run outside to scream at the sky? If you do, take photos and send them in. I collect pictures of idiots doing idiotic things.
Yesterday we were seeing stories of how Joe is not dealing well with the wretched end of his political career. The mood in the White House is bleak, depressing. Uh-huh.
If Joe Duh thought he had gotten too much grief before this, wait until you see what people say about him now, pardoning the Dr. Death, Thoroughly Modern Milley and the J6 gang. But here's the sad part. He didn't DECIDE to do it. He hasn't been in the game since 2019. He was told to sign a piece of paper placed in front of him by the Cabal, his puppeteers.
This should not be the end of it for the criminals.
So, now we can't try Fauci for millions of counts of murder. Bummer. But what we can do is strip him of his retirement and all royalties from his time in government as a civil matter - not a criminal matter.
Milley is a disgrace and an embarrassment to ANYONE who wears the uniform. We should boycott any company that hires him (or pays to put his stupid name on their letterheads). Contract companies should be told that hiring him will cause huge problems, including the loss of contracts if they hire him.
As for the J6 gang, they can now be compelled to testify under oath about where the thousands of hours of video went and who coached witnesses to lie under oath (Look out Liz). If caught in a lie AT THAT POINT, that's a whole new ballgame. The Crackhead and Uncle Jim Biden can be tapped to talk as well.
Thepardons are meant as a parting shot at the end of B. Hussein’s third term, peace be upon him. Their play time is over. As the history of these years unfolds and good people come forward to tell what went on in the White House, while Old Joe wandered the halls yelling at junior staffers, Barry O’s relevence will evaporate.
No one associated with the Cabal, Fauci, The J6 Committee, Milley or the leadership of our law nforcement and intelligence communities in recent years, should be allowed near the levers of power - ever again.
The EO’s.
Thomas Jefferson said (paraphrasing) a law should be written on one page in such a way that the average man can read and understand it - while running. With that in mind…
I’m not a fan of Executive Orders. I realize their value in zeroing out previous stupid EO’s. Energy, land proclaimations, etc. And today they have the added value of being lots of fun. I can’t wait to see the list. I am told their may be as many as 200!
I’ll probably rail against some of the things on that list, but it’s the thumb-in-the-eye quality of it that holds the initial appeal.
There will be great wailing and gnashing of teeth on Capitol Hill about the EOs. And their should be. But it is generations of their ILK surrendering power to the Executive Branch through allowing far too much executive and regulatory power that has finally led to this. Maybe now they’ll claw back their proper authority by writing straight forward laws that limit regulation to the letter of the law.
That could put a lot of lawyers out of work. Hmmm. My heart bleeds.
Things are looking up. Break out the good stuff. It’s a great day. Enjoy it.
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