With Bolsonaro out of the way, and Lulu in power, utterly subservient to the Chinese, Brazil is now a police state. Watch what happens next!
There is a program the WEF (partners of ChiComs) have been pushing for a few years now. That is the radical reduction in the use of fertilizers for farming.1
It is here that one path, among many, will develop, along which the WEF/Davos cult will destroy your life - if you let them.
For a few for decades, Brazil has been a successful agricultural country. But they have done so with the use of A LOT of fertilizer. But food is food. In Brazil it is the price that must be paid.
Now Lulu, goon of the ChiComs and drone of the WEF, can be counted on to copy Sri Lanka and utterly destroy his own country in the process, as we saw in Sri Lanka.2 There, they cut the use of fertilizer dramatically. It only took two years to utterly destroy the country.
Lulu will surely follow suit. Here’s why, and here’s why it’s significant now.
Sri Lanka was an experiment. How long does it take do destroy an agricultural sector? Now, as a matter of scale anyway, we know. Not long.
When Lulu wrecks his farming sector, the WEF, led by Bill Gates will ride to the rescue with Bill’s own fake meat, Bill’s own GMO veggies and bug paddies to feed the now starving masses in a large country.
There will be lots of propaganda pictures and videos of the happy Brazilians, saved by the fake food (market controlled by Bill and the WEF) and we will be told, as they are wrecking our farming sector with the same rules (it’s already started here) to look at how happy the Brazilians are with their fake food. It is your salvation. And Bill will sell it to you.
In both countries, the fake food WILL be mandated by the political whores as your primary diet. They will have “saved” you from the famine they created.
This November, empty our government of Lefty politicians, even the guy your uncle golfs with. If you don’t, the destruction of our farming sector will continue and the Left will be the conduit through which Bill and the WEF will corner the market on your nutrition.
They are NOT the good guys.
Wray on the Hill and the obvious problem
Serious shit is going to happen in this country as a direct result of the gaping hole we used go call our southern border. Actors from Yemen or Uzbekistan or some other dump WILL pull off some kind of attack HERE. The perps are already in the country. That is my take-away from Christopher Wray’s last visit to Capitol Hill. But it’s also derived from three years of watching the Regime welcome the terrorists from around the world.
They will be as likely financed and armed by China3 as by Saudi Wahhabists. It will be one big event or a bunch of coordinated attacks.
But here’s the good news: AFTER it’s all over the FBI and DHS will report that they had all the scumbags on their radar all along. They’ll know where they are from and how they got here. The bad news is they don’t know they have all this intelligence on these guys right now. That’s because they collect too much intel. They are still, despite their denials, collecting data on everybody - phones records, texts, social media, bank records, facial recognition, etc. It’s far too much to ever hope to analyze.
The other bad news is the Regime is presently laser focused on trying to find or create a white supremacist movement to “deal with”, or following and arresting anyone who came within 200 yards of the Capitol Building on 1/6. They’re WAY too busy to locate the terrorists who strolled into this country unimpeded over the last three years.
They’ll take care of all that AFTER the shit goes down. Your government, boys and girls.
Footnotes are below the links.
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The P4B Book List
An unusual read. But in the context of my post titled Beyond Orwell, VERY interesting. Perversion of Knowledge Vladim J. Birstein
A strong P4B recommendation: The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel: Genius Power and Deception on the Eve of WWI by Douglas Brunt A real-life murder mystery.
An easy, fun read with lots of follow-ons: After Dunkirk by Lee Jackson. Part 1 of a WWII historical fiction series.
A studious and interesting study. Excellent reading. Jefferson's Godfather, the Man Behind the Man: George Wythe, Mentor to the Founding Fathers by Suzanne Munson. See Suzanne’s appearance on the P4B here.
The Winds of War by Herman Wouk This the first in a two part epic. Like After Dunkirk, it is a WWII historical fiction. But it is a much deeper dive. Very well written. You will get lost in it. I will do a complete review here later. But I’ll cut to the chase…*****
Apple: Search Party Pooper Play Book
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For he record, China has NO INTENTION of cutting their use of fertilizer.
20,000 Chinese men crossed the border unimpeded in between October and January. What are they doing here?