People have missed the fact that this is just a prelude to Jacob’s podcast and never made it as far as the red button. So this paragraph is the link to the main event. You’ll like it.
This is a super interesting look back at where we were and what the P4B was saying in June of 2023. I sat down with Jacob Waller and talked primaries, J6, Biden, the need for PAPER BALLOTS and lots of other things. In many areas I was way ahead of the power curve.
It’s not as if these things weren’t known. They were. But people were so caught up in the daily political noise they were missing it. And the media, including FOX were NOT doing their jobs! They are still failing.
We would not be told definitively that Joe Biden was a wall banger until June of ‘24. But it was there for everyone to see in June of 2020.
The ultimate outcome of the cases we watched, created by political hacks against Trump, were starting to show there flaws at around that time. That they were purely political was always obvious to anyone who was paying attention.
The old 11 Points series comes up in our conversation. If you’ve never followed that, this would be a good time to browse my post from 2023. If we don’t get ALL of those right, then it won’t matter what we do get right. We won’t be functional country anymore.
I also like that this demonstrates, that on the GOP side anyway, the P4B is not uni-polar. I was waiting to hear from every candidate back then before endorsing anyone.
Anyway, enjoy. This is a good one. And it’s audio so you can listen at you leisure. Just smash this button.
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