In a speech during the awkward, closing days of his failed presidency, Joe Biden made a truly absurd proclamation. Claiming that people in some states really, REALLY like it, he declared the the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was now the law of the land.
[Loud game show buzzer]. Oh, sorry. You can’t do that, but thanks for playing Joe. It’s amazing no one dropped the 25th amendment on you years ago! Now, follow the nice lady off the stage.
The ERA did not make muster, in the alloted time, in enough states to become law. In the states that refused to ratify it, the ERA was seen to be severly flawed. Among the reasons for refusing, was the fact that the panty-clad had produced an amendment that eliminated merit and replaced it with race and sex based codicils. Yeah - you can’t do that and still consider yourself a civilized nation, run by adults.
There is only one way it could ever become “the law of the land”. It would have to be rewritten and send back into the same mill. Ultimately it would then have to be ratified by 34 states. That eventuality is further from possible now than when the Admendment failed previously. The people have grown tired of the petulance and sense of entitlement that inspired it.
I realize the modern day panty-clad have already taken to the interwebs to celebrate Joe’s stupidity. But don’t take that too seriously. Just make sure YOUR representatives don’t attempt any actions based on this Barack O’Biden fantasy.
I’ve known since 2019 that Joe was a confused bag of bones. But still watching him stumble through the last four years, being used by Obama, his wife and the party has been disgusting. All the pardons, his pathetic “farewell” address and the ERA “proclamtion” are just the last gasp of a truly tragic scam run on the American people.
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