Love Letter to Trump Supporters
I am going to ask Trump fans to park their credulity for just a few minutes and read this piece with an honest and open mind.
I have said many times here that no one has been harder on Trump than I am. I also said, until a month ago, that no one wanted him to be the real thing as much as I do. I kept hoping for the moment when he would suddenly start communicating a real message in a grownup fashion.
Yes, I know what you may be thinking. I don't understand, right? He just tells it like it is. He speaks the truth. He has promised to deal with all the corruption and waste in Washington. People don't like him because he is not politically correct.
The fact is, he has said of none of these things. He has not stated clearly one point or one plan. He hasn't spoken truth. YOU HAVE. I am always surprised by the "explanations" Trump followers give for the nonsensical remarks Trump makes. His answers to every question trail off in a parenthetical breeze having addressed absolutely nothing. Then his supporters, you, hit the social media sites and provide your own answers, usually very good ones, that have absolutely nothing to do with anything the Donald has ever said.
The puzzling thing is you are politically aware, most of you. You do understand what this country needs. And yet you have thrown your lot in with a guy who has demonstrated time and again that he is far less qualified to be president than you are.
As for political incorrectness, it would be one thing if Trump delivered even one answer with a sound argument and coherent structure. If he did so in a way that was intentionally confrontational, ignoring the whiners on both sides of the political aisle; if he didn't pander to the racial, sexual, income and religious dividers of the world, that would be politically incorrect. I'd happily applaud it. But ignorance and immaturity are not examples of political incorrectness. They are simply ignorance and immaturity.
Let's take a moment to break down a typical Donald answer to a question. This one is a classic.
How can anyone, honestly and objectively see that piece and say to themselves, "This guy has what it takes to be anything other than a Real Estate huckster."
Then there is the icky Mussolini factor. It is one thing to say that his facial expressions and mannerisms resemble Il Duce. I don't care about that. It is kind of funny. But his petulance and animosity toward the media have gone beyond anything we've ever seen in a serious candidate for political office...except for Il Duce.
His complaint? "They are so mean to me!" "I don't know why they hate me." "They are very unfair!" "I'm going to take them to court." and he names names! In which free, representative republic are we to feel safe about a potential president crying about the media the way Trump does?
More importantly he NEVER takes his detractors on through sound argument. He has no argument. He can't even remember what is was his tormentors disagree with him on. It is enough in his mind to cry like a University of Missouri student about how unfair they all are.
And just who are these big meanies who have the nerve to disagree with him? In the case of an interview with FOX on Sunday, we are talking about Megyn Kelly, Charles Krauthammer, Steve Hayse, George Will and Chris Stirewalt. (During this tear jerking segment Trump qualified his complaint: "CNN s nicer to me" Well, no surprise there. They want him to win the nomination so they can tear into him in July. CNN and other liberal outlets are betting the farm Trump will lose to Hillary and are happy to help.) But...Hayes? Krauthammer? Will? He called these guy a disgrace. And what is their crime against humanity? They disagree with Trump. Or in their analysis they have shown why others are better candidates. The inhumane bastards!
As I said above, they have simply presented arguments that don't align to Trumps chaotic view of reality. Their arguments are cogent and well-delivered. Trump isn't capable of answering the arguments sensibly. So, he cries about how unfair they are.
He even called out David Brooks and said, "He treats me horribly." Have you EVER in your life heard a more pathetic and childish characterization made by a politician? Well, by one running for a GOP nomination anyway? But David Effing Brooks? There has never been a more balanced, light-handed commentator to the left or the right. If he has issues with you, you need to reassess quickly.
And how do the Trump followers characterize disagreement or support for another candidate? Well, "hate" of course. If you disagree - with Trump, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Sanders, Clinton or some less mature middle school girls - you are a hater.
And then there are remarks like this!
To say things like that in front of a crowd you just got stoked up, isn't politically incorrect, it is criminally irresponsible. It is, in a word, imbecilic. And yet you have people like Eric Bolling, Sean Hannity, Andrea Tantaros and many other, FOX News all, utterly in the bag for the Donald and doing the same job you are doing on social media; translating Trump's nonsense into fantasy answers and policy positions.
What would a presidential press conference be like if he were lucky enough to beat Clinton? Interrupting questioners as he does constantly? "Excuse me! Excuse me! I never said I'd get rid of Obamacare! I never said it!"
"But you did. Back in February..."
"Excuse me! Excuse me! I never said it. I said I like the mandate." (In reality he said both three days apart in late February.) "You are being very unfair. VERY unfair. I could take you to court for lying about me. I have an approval rating...Excuse me! I have great approval rating. I have a higher approval rating, depending on where you look, than anyone in history."
When you see a man is as immature, unfocused, egocentric and uninformed as Donald J. Trump, why would you want him anywhere near the White House?
We'll leave his mob ties, shady deals and totally lop-sided support for liberal politicians out of the discussion. I think it is fair enough to say the average citizen is much smarter than Donald Trump and leave you wondering why you are actually wasting your intelligence on him.
I don't ENTIRELY disagree with all these tweets. But it is disturbing how much he tweets and how silly many of them are.
Matt Jordan is a travel writer, political commentator and author of 16 20 24. Get your SIGNED copy here!
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