Pete Hegseth quotes your host!
Our diversity is NOT our strength. That’s what Pete Hegseth said on FOX two nights ago. The first time I heard “diversity is our strength”, I was saying the exact same thing Pete said.
I retired from the Navy in 2000. I was less than pleased with how “politically correct” the Navy had become even then! We already had what was called Equal Opportunity training. “Tailhook” was several years past and the whipsaw reaction to it was ridiculous. This included an EEO standdown where we had a day of diversity garbage thrown at us. It did little more than break down the trust between male and female service members. And it was all a publicity stunt; something to wave in front of a media who would then pay worthless lip service to it.
It was during those years we started to hear the bullshit line, “our diversity is our strength.” I can’t speak for any other sailor, but I found it a shallow and dis-unifying notion.
In my retirement speech I took the time to address the younger squids in the group. I told them not to let anyone convince them that our diversity is our strength. I said fascination with it was a weakness. We shouldn’t give a damn about diversity. The color of a shipmate’s skin is not a matter of our interest.
I made an analogy. A bricklayer wants to build a wall. He has red bricks, brown bricks, yellow bricks and grey bricks. If he dry stacked all the bricks up perfectly, I asked if the diversity of the bricks would make the wall strong? The answer, of course, is no. The wall, for as long as no one touched it, may look quite interesting, but it would be worthless.
Now, if he took those same bricks and laid them with mortar, and built the exact same wall, would the wall then be strong? And where does the strength come from? The answers are obviously yes, and the mortar is the strength. That is what sinks into every imperfection in the bricks and keeps the wall strong. And in the military, there is only one mortar – the mission.
That is the most important thing that binds us together as a team. The color of the bricks does not matter. They may give the wall an interesting visual aspect, but it doesn’t contribute a jot to strength.
Pete knows this. So does every single member of the military, including the ones who feign stupidity to get promoted by going along with the DEI bullshit.
And speaking of analogies…
George Will made a great analogy recently. He always makes great analogies. In explaining the Trump phenomenon, he mentioned the doctor’s exam where he would tap you on the knee with a rubber hammer and your leg would spasm, testing reflex. Today he said, Trump is the little rubber hammer, and the entire media is a giant knee in an uncontrollable spasm. DJT has used his in-your-grill, over-the-top control of messaging to put the media in his pocket.
He not only lives in their heads rent free, he’s hired a mariachi band to entertain him there. He is banging on a base drum and marching around their brains, saying and doing everything he can think of to advance his message and give the media loose stools.
It is very hard to believe that it’s been less than two weeks since he put his hand in the air, and the color of the sky has changed. The border is nearly zip locked. People are actually debating if he’ll take over Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal (Here’s a tip, he won’t, but they can’t afford to assume that. His stomp in-and-demand style of negotiation leaves no room for hedging.).
The Donald’s nominees are slipping through Congress despite the vapid, scurrilous shit the Dems throw at them. ICE is finally doing their jobs and morale there is sky high. Violent illegals are being scraped from our streets like so much manure. And DEI is now a four-letter word.
The governments of California and LA were properly spanked last week on national TV, and across the internet, by the man who warned them to “up” their forest maintenance years ago. Do you remember how the perpetual 12-year-olds excoriated him for those remarks. In your face Newsome!
Trump has demanded that government spending be FINALLY re-examined in a real way. Using all the power Congress stupidly surrendered to the Executive over the decades, Trump has decided we won’t spend the money allocated until it can be better justified. If that’s a problem for Congress, they better reclaim some of their squandered power real quick. This should be a lesson to Congress to start writing laws according to the Thomas Jefferson model. A law should be written that can be read and understood by an average man – while running. And they should stop inviting Executive overreach by putting so much power into the hands of unelected “regulators”.
Nothing focuses the mind quite like having the man you have insulted and demeaned for 9 years make you and your colleagues look like a pack of lazy jackasses.
Enlistments in the Armed Forces is about to skyrocket, now that it will be seen as an adult activity and that a man can be a man while wearing the uniform. The troops will no longer take orders from a dude in a dress or a woman who calls herself him and insists you do too.
There is now, at least, an outside chance we rip the Department of Education out by the roots. The EPA just MIGHT be delegated to a small agency under Interior, and their goddamn guns will be taken from them. We should never trust professional Karens with firearms.
I’m not a fan of the tariff ideas, but I’m glad someone is REALLY shaking up the tax system. A progressive income tax is THE MOST corrupt concept we’ve come up with, on par with Social Security.
And speaking of taxes…and social security. The Donald is talking about ending taxes on Social Security. Here’s a radical thought. Instead of giving recipients money for federal and military retirement and Social Security AND THEN TAXING IT (a pure bookkeeping sleight of hand), why not just pay them the going freight after what would be the present taxable amount? Then fire all the people who calculate and see collected the money the federal government shouldn’t have paid out to begin with?
If you’re not one of the perpetual 12-year-olds I mentioned earlier, life has taken on new meaning. The average American, regardless of the demographic box the Dems have put them into, finally feels SOMEONE is listening.
Enjoy it while you can. You are about to be tested. The kinds of changes Trump and his people propose will come at a price. If we are to see this country return to anything near normalcy -socially, politically, and especially economically, it WILL come with some pain. This is usually when the weak throw sticks in the spokes of progress. YOU MUST BE STRONG. When the panty-clad start screeching about how difficult life is because of bad Orange Man, you must hold together. When we get to the other end of tax reform, spending reform, immigration reform, and radical regulatory cuts, our horizons widen. Our lives will be less controlled. Our individual liberties will be wildly enhanced.
But YOU must stick it out. We are talking about a timeframe of at least two years. Be strong. Be the citizens you would hope your kids would be. Take the pain now, so they won’t have to.
Our biggest show ever
I have been using that term a lot lately. that because our guests get bigger and bigger. This week we hosted Evan Sayet. He’s an advisor and speech writer to Trump, a stand up comic, a lecturer, author, and on and on. He gave one of the most significant conservative speeches in modern history at the Heritage Foundation. So don’t miss it. Hit the red button
Closing note:
The DNC is in the process of choosing new leadership. After the election the party was doing a self-assessment, determined to shed the nonsense that cost them the election.
So, what are they concentrating on with their new leadership? That’s right, DEI. They say it is of primary importance. Do these people enjoy losing?
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