Since the time when he was a guest on our podcast, before there even was a Jordan/Cori Show, Ron Cori has been doggedly following the Jan 6 “pipe bomb” story. He kept us up to date with all the questions and follows the evidence as it oozes into the public realm.I’ve always thought the story had stupid aspects to it. None of it made sense. But I didn’t beat the bushes as Ron does. As a result, you guys have been getting information quicker than 99% of the rest of the country.
Today he sent me this link.
The only questions I have expressed every time we spoke of the “bomb” was, Was it really a bomb? Did it actually have explosive material in it? Did it actually have a device to trigger it? The FBI remains curiously and very suspiciously mum on that score.
But the last time we spoke of it, Ron had the best question of all: If the bomb was real and there was no chance of the incident coming back to bite her on the ass, why isn’t Harris using it in her melodramatic speeches about the Jan 6 mini riot? Why isn’t she saying I was almost killed?
Ron contends, and I am inclined to agree, that the feds were able to trigger a lot of action and good footage at the Capitol Building. They didn’t care who got hurt. But they would need for the drama of televising the removal of fake bombs. Kammy doesn’t use the line because she knows when the truth finally comes out, she’ll look stupid…(more stupid? stupider?)
Check out the link at the next red button. Then come back and give Ron a well-deserved pat on the back in the comments section. Actually, the best way you can reward him is to share the information he has provided us.
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