I don’t care what you think about the smears that have been launched on Pete Hegseth to date. In fact, NONE of the smears have a name or evidence behind them. The hypocrisy in the pursuit of the smears is so thick you can taste it. And none of it speaks to the job he can do as Secretary of Defense.
Here’s a simple fact. The youth of this country NEED to see a young, dynamic firebrand in that office. They WILL react to this appointment. Just by his presence, Pete will solve one of the Pentagon’s many failings - recruitment. It is conceivable that a conventional, predictable establishment choice might figure out that problem and gradually solve it, Hegseth will change it overnight by his presence. In fact, as you view the video below, you’ll see that this is already happening.
There are many other problems to fix in the DoD, including the gross misuse of funds. He’s chomping at the bit to do the job.
This man is a door-kicker, an operator. How long has it been since we had SecDef who has truly been in the shit? We’ve had a few. Esper comes to mind. But he followed that career with a career in the military industrial complex and became a typical Swamp monster, as did Mattis.
Hegseth is as credentialed as any candidate for the office. He will have the support of the troops who will serve under him. Don’t be distracted by the noise. Join the veterans who are contacting their representatives in Pete’s support. He should be a part of the team that has the Swamp monsters soiling themselves as we speak.
Trump’s thinking on Hegseth is correct. That is coming from a guy who didn’t agree with the choice when I first heard it. But between his experience and education and the vile reaction of those who live inside the DC bubble, there is no better choice to be made.
I don’t think we need an establishment angel as DoD head. And for perspective (none of this even hints that the Hegseth allegations are anything but bullshit), We had a president who took out his dick and shook it around at a cabinet meeting. We had a president carry on an affair in the White House, kind of up in his wife’s grill. We had a president who, among MANY other women he schtupped at the WH, was banging a 16 year old, and of course we had one getting BJs under the resolute desk while talking to congressmen. In order that’s LBJ, FDR (eew), JFK and, of course, BJ Bill. Patton was fooling around with his step niece in Europe and Ike was utterly love struck with his driver. Whether there was an affair there is in dispute.
So there is a list of significant DC gods. And again, this has no bearing on the “truth” of the new allegations. It’s just perspective.
Call your Senators NOW. Tell them to end the phony sanctimony and approve Pete Hegseth.
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