I mentioned last show that Penn State lost the Big Ten trophy. Tru dat. BUT, I failed to recognize that the Nittany Lions still have at least a bowl game ahead. We ARE Penn State! Hang tough with the Blue and White. Get your rally towel below.
Well…yeah, we’re still selling the stuff.
After saying they stopped selling the border wall material at pennies on the dollar, we see Joe Duh’s handlers are still selling the stuff off. That is contrary to the will of the gutless Congress that paid for it to build a fucking wall!
But I found out tonight that each panel of fence that is sold represents a $40k loss. So not only is Obama’s third term selling the shit for near nothing, the shit cost WAY too much to begin with! This is not high tech shit.
We can’t win, even when we’re winning!
A few thoughts for you to consider.
These drones in New Jersey and elsewhere are of unknown origins - at least if you’re not the owners. The military and the CIA say the drones are not theirs. That may or may not be so. After the last 12 years, we can have NO IDEA if that’s the truth. But whatever the source, we need to get these things shut down.
We have two theories that say they come from offshore; one from Iranian vessels and one from Chinese vessels. Okay, fine. The Coast Guard ought to be able to nail that down and sink the bastards pretty easily.
But where ever these things show up, I suggest state and local authorities get real aggressive stopping and checking out semi trucks and box trucks. State police are reporting that when they close on these targets, the rascals go dark and vamos. How hard would it be to tuck one of these things into a pre-staged container vehicle? Not very.
But we can’t continue to stare into the sky and say, “Well, golly!”
Hand me down my foil hat.
The truth about Jan 6 continues to ooze out as all significant information about the federal blob seems to. After years of… There were NO federal assets in the crowd on Jan 6. to We can’t comment on such things, we get to there were 26 assets in place. to We only ORDERED three of those into place. Still being lied about or covered up is how many of the 26 got their travel paid to be there and how many were in the mini riot. We can’t know the answers without another whistle blower or professional journalist digging into it further.
What we do know is that Federal Air Marshals were pulled from flights to round up as many people PRESENT in and around the Capitol that day as they could find. We are also reminded by Katie Pavlich that FBI agents were ORDERED OFF of child sex trafficking cases to do the same.
Hmmm. What was the number of kids we lost track of at the border over the last four years? Oh, yeah. 300k+! We will never know the fate of most of these kids. But we can rest easy tonight knowing that there are federal task forces still out there tracking down the guy who rubbed his balls on Eric Swalwell’s name plate.
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