Ryan’s Hedge; Obama’s Deal
Ryan First
Paul Ryan’s speech today was encouraging and may be helpful. But there was a line in there I had to think about. He said Trump was the only one to hear the voices and that is what made him successful. This just isn’t the truth. Since 2010, Ryan and the rest of the GOP leadership has heard the voices, saw what the people, especially what their constituencies wanted, then cynically pretended to respond, only to ignore the voices after the last three elections.
When he ascended to the Speaker's chair, the people were clearly looking for someone to send a complete healthcare bill to the White House (let him, the president, try to make an argument against it) and cut and balance the budget NOW. What does he do a full year and a half before an election? He takes the seat and then says we better wait a year or two to fight those battles. And THAT COWARDICE is what made Trump successful. Conservatives felt they had no one left to turn to.
If Ryan does what he said he’d do in the near future, Trump may have some success as a president. But if Ryan reverts to form; he will stymie the White House and may cause a real rift in the party, not a primary “rift”.
Barack Obama’s Pickle
When the president-elect meets the president on Thursday, you can be sure one distasteful item on the agenda will be Let’s Make a Deal. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear BHO had already sent out some surrogates to do a little bootlicking in advance.
Here’s why. Obama can’t pardon Hillary. There are still people screaming for more oversight and a special prosecutor. But as Obama is fully aware, you can’t let a Clinton skate on corruption or malfeasance unless you have your own get-out-of-jail-free card. Don’t believe me? Google Jim Guy Tucker, Google McDougal (Hah-hah. That’s funny because it rhymes.) They ran interference to take the heat off the Clintons. So did a lot of people who ended up unemployed pariah over the years. And Barry O is up to his eyeballs in his communications with Clinton’s illegal server. So, he will be offering to support Trump on XYZ if Trump gives assurances that BHO is not to be pursued for using the server and lying about it. He will also want to pardon Clinton with no interference form the new administration. Obama will not allow himself to be the last man standing. Smart.
If Trump refuses, Hillary’s legal problems have only just gotten started.
That’s a Wrap
It’s been a long three weeks and a very long 24 hours. My brain is fried. One more post tomorrow, then I will likely take a day or two off from the political jazz. When I return, it may be on the subjects of travel or gardening. Who knows?
Good night, all. And remember, for two hundred and forty years, this country has successfully turned over governments every four to eight years without violence. No other country in history can say that. So while parties and players may win or loose, every time we do this, the country wins.
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