It is at once laughable, insane and frustrating to watch the mind of a Lefty work. At the top of the pyramid we have the amoral power whores. They CREATE or SEEK OUT problems to have. The attached video is a prime example. Here the power whores are taking money and ginning up votes from “non-profits” who collect the money from the rubes at the bottom of the pile.
The scam works best for the “non-profits” in the middle of the pile if they’ve set a goal that is popular with the rubes but takes years to succeed, if at all. Never succeeding and continuing to soak the rubes is the best of all worlds for the “non-profits”. They suck up the funds, grease the power whores and “have a dialog” about the scam causes, in this case, the destruction of truly clean and reliable energy.
The sad and frustrating part is this. No matter how many times the Lefty rubes see things like this, they will still throw their money at the scam artists and power whores. Because the tribe tells them to. We will never recover the constant, reliable power the dams they destroyed produced.
For this we owe them only resentment and ridicule. We must actively fight back against the ignorance they breed.