The Pretense of Ignorance
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Before I launch into my critique of our political zoo and the rampant ignorance on display therein, let me just say this:
VOTE! Vote straight Republican. Yeah, I know, you’re dad went to school with your Rep or Senator. Or your uncle plays golf with him. Or you met him and you are star struck. He’s the good one – not like all the others, right? Get over all that. If your guy/gal is a Dem but you want a return to pre-Covid growth and an end to the hyperbolic nonsense we’ve endured for the last two years, vote straight GOP. If Donald Trump wins and we don’t keep the Senate and take back the House that will indicate that a majority of Trump voters are just as stupid as their Biden-supporting counterparts.
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Pretending to be Idiots
I’ve come to the conclusion that half the country WILL be stupid on Election Day or already have been in early voting. They know that the Democrats are the shrill, mean-spirited, power-hungry freaks conservatives say they are. But the TV and the cool Hollywood people told them that Orange Man Bad. Well, who wants to be left out of that cool crowd of self-righteous assholes, huh?
In too many cases, kids have come home from college or even high school where they learned that being multicultural and militantly gay (as opposed to just being gay, if you are) is more important than living your real life. By the truckload, parents of these little daisies will abandon a lifetime of real learning and adopt the preadolescent garbage because the sun rises and sets on their particular little daisy. Pathetic.
The upshot is that in order to maintain their cool kid cred, American adults will pretend that Biden’s campaign actually means anything close to real. But on every issue except the Green New Deal and raising your taxes, Biden’s entire campaign is plagiarized (not his first offense) FROM TRUMP!
Biden will:
Get Covid testing kits out faster. Testing went from zero to hundreds of thousands almost overnight 7 months ago. The numbers have been growing exponentially ever since. Biden is lying to you. He has no idea how fast he can get tests out, or even if he can maintain the pace the present administration has achieved. Doesn’t matter. Stupid people will pretend it means something.
Bring back jobs and get things made in the USA. That has been the focus of Trump’s previous campaign, this campaign, and by far the greatest achievement of his first term. How will Joe Duh create more jobs or bring more home. By taxing employers more? Explain how that works. Oh…that’s right…you can’t. You know it doesn’t work that way. But ugh, we just hate Trump so much!
Improve trade. Hahahahahahaha! Do I have to even address that?
I hear, to the point of nausea, how mean Donald Trump is. Here are two truths. Trump is inarticulate and his most focused attacks are ALWAYS counter punches. And what is usually said about him to begin with is beyond cruel and often untrue. You know this, I know this, all the snowflakes know this. But still adults will pretend not to. They will feign utter stupidity so they can be popular with…who? Other people pretending to be stupid or those who are genuinely stupid!
Since the debates Joe Duh has been repeating the hyper-inflated death toll from COVID. He then says Trump has blood on his hands and that the deaths were Trump’s fault. To the most fully indoctrinated crybaby in this hemisphere, these remarks are by far the most disgusting muck ever hurled in a political campaign. What a low-life! And the remarks have no foundation in truth. This, from the guy who was still accusing Trump of hyping the virus for political purposes in early March! For the record, the Trump administration was negotiating contracts for the production of antibody therapies in mid January in anticipation of learning enough about the virus to then create the antibodies.
The Trump obsessed crybabies know this. They lived through it. They saw all this unfold at the same time the rest of us did. But they lack fortitude and character. So they continue to pretend. Orwell was right. But we didn’t even need to torture people to see them follow stupidity with religious fervor. The television only needs vapid, cool people to tell the rubes what to think in empty but very snarky language.
To the Biden voter. You know all this, but you want so badly to be a cool kid. Meanwhile the other “cool kids” are scut-mouthing Trump and applauding Biden’s egregious and vile attacks because they are worried that YOU won’t think THEY are cool. It’s a childish circle of nonsense.
All that said…
…did you know that last week one of the trendiest searches on Google was “how do I change my vote?” Huge numbers of people voted for Joe Duh and are now regretting it. At least these people seem to have come around to reason, albeit too late in some states. But yes, in at least three states you can change your vote. I hope you do.
And for the utterly blind, very few Trump voters are about to change their vote, especially seeing Trump outperform Joe Duh by 100 to 1 this week.
As I mentioned earlier, you need a Congress that isn’t going to sit on it’s hands and obstruct Trump. To put in another way, Trump is going to continue to simply get out of the way of economic growth. We need a Congress who will stand aside with him and enact laws that allow for it.
I watched a silly cow on TV saying that she didn’t care about the Senate. “It’s all about the president now!” That thinking is what has plagued our society since FDR. I promised no ads so you’ll have to look at other posts on to get a link to my book. In it, I try to explain why this is such a problem and how to fix it.
Final thought. A vote for the Dems is a vote for rioting, looting, assault, brown-shirt intimidation and an obsession with race. The party has tacitly or actively endorsed all of that.