A century ago city fathers in Los Angeles realized they had fucked up. They built a city without consideration for where they would get the water needed to sustain it. They devised a plan.
Neighboring states agreed to supply the irresponsible city with water. It was a humanitarian act. Sadly, the neighbors were also irresponsible in that they didn’t include an iron clad cap on the water they’d supply. They have sued several times to cut back on the water drained from their rivers and farm lands.
California, in its collective sense of entitlement we see constantly, has won these battles and continues to drain the water supply in three states. The population is more than 10 times larger than it was when this stupid treaty was signed. THAT is NOT what the other states signed on for.
But Southern California’s golf courses, fountains and gardens look GREAT!
There is an answer. But it will take balls, vision and leadership to pull off.
Click here to understand how California got to where it is today - and how to fix it!
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