The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
A Sweet Deal for the Utterly Corrupt.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:15

A Sweet Deal for the Utterly Corrupt.

The Crackhead, Dad and Uncle Jimmy Walk While the Swamp Monsters are Soiling Themselves

I’ll start with a program note.

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I hope you all had a great holiday.

Well, Thanksgiving is over. Back to work. I’m thankful saying that is not the stressful thing it used to be. It seems like yesterday “back to work” meant getting back on I-95 for a ridiculously long commute and spending 8 hours a day in pursuit of someone else’s dream.

It wasn’t an inherently bad thing. I worked in an interesting place with great people. But I always chaffed at the idea of ending my “me” time and going back to the office. I have had jobs over the years when Sunday night brought REAL stress at the approach of Monday morning. That’s no way to live.

Now, “back to work” means wake up when I’m done sleeping, shit, shower and shave and go to my desk with good coffee in my P4B Nancy Pelosi Derp mug. I get to talk to you. What could possibly be a better job?

Strictly speaking, it really could be better. The morning routine should include exercise. And turning a profit with the podcast would be awesome!

So I am thankful to be living at least my version of the good life.

I just got the latest episode of the Free Zone Communiqué in the can and scheduled. It’s a day late due to holiday travel and my continued duties as Lyn’s nurse1. Now I can focus on the loony bin that is our world and leave you with my thoughts.

Item first:

Okay, show of hands, who believed Joe Duh when he said he wouldn’t pardon the crackhead? Now, put your hand down before somebody sees you. Because the rest of us knew. We knew Joe was lying about that. Some pretended not to. We knew Joe was up to his eyeballs in dirty money despite the “conspiracy theory” talk from the propaganda machine we call the “media”. We knew Joe was a jello brain during the 2020 election campaign. The same chattering classes told us he was whip smart, “the best Joe Biden ever” right up to the debate debacle.

I heard it claimed that Joe was mulling a pardon for the crackhead as far back as June of this year. BULLSHIT! He’s been planning to pardon his son and co-conspirator since he decided to run for president.

If you didn’t know these things in real time, you shouldn’t vote. Your blindness is a danger to the Republic.

In this and in countless other ways, the governing class and the chattering classes have been playing you for chumps for decades and continue to do so today. We’ve been hearing no end of Lefty pundits decrying faults in their own tribe that they “knew” were going to be a problem for Kamala. They claim the Democrat Party must have a makeover to survive.

The same media ass hats failed to mention these obvious problems during the election when they were telling you that Kammy was brilliant and DJT didn’t have a chance in hell of winning.

But I tell you today and with complete certainty, the Lefty elites are going to double down on their crazy ideas in the midterms. They will continue to scream that boys can be girls, and that the planet is on fire, and that all white people are racists. The best you can expect is a repackaging of terms. CRT became DEI. That will morph again. But it will be the same bullshit it’s been all along.

Consider just one little example of how subtle the “New” Dem Party will keep the propaganda machine alive. After the election, Joe Scarborough was lecturing his tribe about how they shouldn’t be champions of crazy causes. One of his examples of the craziness was men in women’s sports.

In his rant, Morning Blow said the Dems needed to be more thoughtful of the issue because (get this,) 80% of America is against men who go tranny - post puberty - competing against girls. [emphasis mine] This implies, with zero evidence, that everybody is okay with mutilating YOUNGER kids to please their kinky parents. Just don’t let those older tranny kids play volleyball against girls!

I’m pretty goddamn sure more than 80% of the American people think the trans fad has run its course and it is time to stop the sadistic nonsense. But by stating his case as he did, Scarborough is intentionally playing word games to keep one of the flagship issues of the Dem tribe front and center, and keep you distracted from real issues.

Post-puberty/pre-puberty will be popular rhetoric over the next two years. You’ll also see subtle rhetorical games played with climate change, green tinker toys, stacking the court, gun control and the full lineup of Lefty causes. They will make narrow, often illogical qualifiers on all the issues and pretend they represents a major sea change in the Party. They’ll tell you that you should be happy with the “new” Democrats. You should embrace their issues and look cool at your next wine and cheese party.

But ALL the nonsense that cost them the election this year will still be there in ‘26 and ‘28. Count on it. Don’t be fooled by silly word games.

I’ll give you one more example of the Left intentionally flimflamming you. And this one is ugly. I’ve mentioned Jake Sullivan from time to time being a part of the Cabal that runs the Executive Branch illegitimately. Today he proved me right.

People have been starting to get very suspicious of the sudden flurry of unhelpful activity surrounding the Ukraine war. I contend that the plan of the Cabal is to run up the benefit for cronies in the Military/Industrial Complex at the last minute, and trip up Trump’s efforts to end the war quickly.

Today, Jake Sullivan claimed Joe Biden ordered him to do all these things; the land mines, the ATACMS, another dump of cash (that money will actually go to Ukrainian officials and weapons makers here, not the Ukrainian people). But if this was Joe’s idea, we’d have seen Joe hawking it to the media. He may be bumping into walls these days, but he’s keen to protect what is left of his “legacy”.

No, this was the work, first to last, of the Cabal. They make the deal and decisions. THEY have kept this war alive and gotten hundreds of thousands killed to feed their cronies. They give Joe the cards he’s been carrying around since the 2020 campaign (turn this way - podium is in the middle of the stage - shake hands), instructing him what to say. He’s barely aware of what he’s reading.

Before we get to fun stuff, I want to make a correction. I once said that Jake Sullivan stood at a podium and told us that deterrents, in this case the ones aimed at Russia pre-war, are deigned to be use after the fact. They never work BEFORE the fact. But this little nugget of stupidity was NOT delivered by Jake Sullivan, National Security. They were the words of Ed Price, State Department.

I tend to get the two mixed up. They’re both pencil neck geeks and they look like the got there heads stuck in the same soda bottle.

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Oh, no! More Delco talk!

I have quipped recently that the P4B, our old show and the Free Zone Communiqué seem like Delaware County reunions. Trust me, only one person was brought on knowing it was a Delco situation, that was one of my favorite people, Karen Hockenberry nee Toto. It just so happens that the best looking and most interesting people come from that county. You are listening to one of them now. I think another guest, Charlie Alexander, is up for GQ’s sexiest man alive as you can see in the picture below.

Charlie Alexander's Story About Delco Child Services Corruption -  BillLawrenceOnline
Charlie Alexander

That said, I have more Delco news to report. I caught 60 Minutes on Sunday after the Eagles (god’s team) triumphed once again. In an interview, Kate Winslet said she had to learn the Delco accent for her role in The Mare of Easttown. Learning to speak with a generic American accent is hard enough for a Brit. Delcospeak must be torture.

Easttown is a fictitious small town in the Chester area of Delco. And like real Delconians, the people there likely vacation in Itlannick Siddy t’be near da shoer and the wooder of the Itlannick Oshen. Delco is the lazy lip capital of the United States. There are countless examples in my own work. When I want to say “and then” to connect events it almost always comes out “annen”. It’s oddly endearing, izzen it? If you phonetically spelled what we say, half of it wouldn’t even resemble the English language. Jeetjet?

I won’t be seeing the Winslet series. I used to have HBO Max for life as a part of my Dish contract. But ATT jerked me off when I bought more data to support this show. ATT is the WORST customer service company in existence. I have had some real problems with call centers in my day, but ATT is the very worst.

Kash is a problem for swamp monsters.

I’ve said many times that this transition period is going to be fun to watch. All the big appointments are people with a major hardon for destroying the permanent governing class and the bureaucratic slime that hold power in the Swamp today.

Kash Patel is a particularly fun example. The corrupt leadership of the FBI knows the organization is about to be decapitated. Patel has already demonstrated that he WILL take on anyone to do the right thing. The same will happen at DOJ and the IRS. This is a conservative wonk’s wet dream.

So we will spend from now until next March watching the swamp monsters doing procedural and media gymnastics in an effort to destroy the lives of every key appointment Trump makes. And if he wants to pull off the things he promised in ‘24, he needs all the big name appointments to make it through. So it will be battle royal.

The easiest thing for Trump to do is appoint Hegseth (if he still wants him) during the holiday recess2 and wait for the next Congress to sit and approve the others.

Lessons for podcasters and would-be podcasters

Tucker Carlson has been on quite a roll lately. His podcasts have been really interesting. He’s been in the company of ALL the heavy hitters in the incoming Trump/Vance administration. I caught a Tucker Carlson podcast last night that I really enjoyed. He was being interviewed by the Genius Network and, being Carlson, he was very direct and hard-hitting.

He discussed his faith, one I do not share, Putin, the election, his booze infused past and whether he’d serve in the Trump administration if asked.

The talk of Putin was the most interesting. Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last two years, you know he scored an interview with the Little Russian Jerkoff some months ago. Lesser journalists, which include most of the Lefties you get your news from, tore into him for sitting with Putin.

His response is clear-minded and an indictment of almost all journalists. There are only two reason he is the only one to get Putin. One is that many “journalists” are just typists and mouthpieces for the present Regime, headed by Obama (not Joe). They see any questioning of the Regime as a lack of patriotism. Any act of independent thinking as dangerous. The other reason is the the rest of the media lacked the requisite sack or imagination to simply ask for the interview.

Carlson’s response to the ankle biters was this: Putin is engaged in the strangest, most engrossing event of the present day. He has attacked a supposedly weaker neighbor in order to restore the Russia over which he sees himself as Czar. That’s a good GET for any real journalist. So Tucker reached out for a sit-down and got it! And if the others had the brains or balls, they’d have beat him to it. They don’t…so they didn’t.

When asked if he’d serve in a Trump administration, Tucker said that he cannot be a part of the political zoo around which he grew up. I think that means first, he’s not overly awed by DC political power. He grew up around it. He knows the swamp monsters are lesser people than most of what we call average Americans.

He also said he could never be part of a lie. The post suggested by a questioner was Press Secretary. It is obvious that such a post would be a step down for someone like Carlson - and a substantial pay cut. But he doesn’t need the money. I think White House Press Secretary would be the last hing on earth he’d want to do. Even with the now beknighted DJT, daily press briefings would be a constant spin cycle. The problem Tucker would have as PS is if DJT fucked up he’d say, “Yeah, POTUS really screwed the pooch on that one, yeah?” He could no more hack for politicians on that level than I could do brain surgery.

Carlson was very forthright about his firing from FOX. He doesn’t say he left, as most would do. He doesn’t say he and the network parted ways. He says he was fired, and it hurt. But he celebrates it because if that never happened, he’d have never been free to say EVERYTHING he wants to say. His success has been his stark honesty in calling them as he sees them.

I sense he loves his audience. Maybe I’m projecting.

The lesson to podcasters. Opportunities come in strange packages. When life kicks your ass, do a show about it. Cut your own path.

Also…If you ever want to make it in this business, you need to maintain a certain level of trust with your readers/listeners/subscribers. And you do that by being true to yourself. In doing so, you may never make a ton of money.3 We do what we do because we think we have something worth saying. We do it for the love of saying it. If there are rewards to be had great. But the reward of living in a country where you can still say it, and being ready to do so despite the slings and arrows, is the greatest reward this business has to offer.

If you attempt it on a shallow or disingenuous level, you may make some cash but you’ll never enjoy it.

Hit the button here to see the interview with TC. Pay close attention to the 1:14:00 mark.

Tucker Carlson on the Genius Network

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Lyn had a shoulder replacement. Maybe now she can start her career as a power lifter. Meh, maybe another week or two of therapy first.


It would not surprise me if the Dems, with the help of weak sisters like Snowe and Cornyn, try to keep congress in session over the holidays. Losers among the benches will have their holidays ruined by going back and forth to DC to gavel in phony sessions and gavel them out again. It’s embarrassing theater and shouldn’t be a practice among adults. But I wouldn’t put it past the Swamp. They’ve done it before.


I’ve been in this business for two years. And I can tell you that fortitude is more important than money. I can say that because I love what I do and you can count on your fingers how much I make every month doing it. So, I still need one of these red buttons.

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